Heh... looks like Darwin is mad because Nvidia just upped the ante a little bit on the other cards. :-)
I have a friend who has a 9800 pro with his dell.. Every time one of his full screen games crash, his video card settings get all screwed up..
One time it even tried displaying two moniters on one.
DUDE! That same thing happens to one of my co-workers son! It sucks!
As for the 3dmark scan, ATI does the same thing, and not just for 3Dmark, but for everything; they drop frame layers from renders (you can see it visually) but still report that the frames are being displayed. This little bit of info is hardly payed a notice at all in the great "battle" anf on top of that, NVidia has fixed all of their cheating anf set a new standard for themselfes.
Nvidia drove 3Dfx out of business with the cheating tactic; my 16mb voodoo3 3000 made stuff look more pretty than the 64mb nvidia cards, but the voodoo3 had a lower FPS, despite looking more beautiful than the nvidias of the time. I am only jsut now buying Nvidia because I think they have finally started to realize that quality is better than quantity (in visual display of detail vs FPS).
Anyway... I am glad the new Nvidia cardas just came out.... might drive the 5950 cards to a rangfe that I can buy one in!