I guess Wolftones was the only one who saw my post in some other thread...
But hey, I knew it was Celtic. He's never actually done anything bad to me... he even hacked Vex's admin character on UB&G to get me back the trident he used (thinsumo?) to steal from me.
He pulled it off well, if it weren't for the fact that thinsumo was a tree while Vex was moving, and Vex was a tree while thinsumo was moving... I probably would have though it to be true... that and the fact that he said under Vex name "That's my brother. He steal a lot of stuff." then "Thinsumo, you leave this guy alone. He's a good guy so don't mess with him. Got it?" and Thinsumo replied 30 seconds later "..sorry. I won't do it again." The funny thing was that all the free crap he also gave to me I threw to other people, and I never went past RL2 because I knew that RL 3+ were the ones getting hacked.
Anywaysssss............ Partay!