I like the remort idea. It's different, which what makes PCRPG unique. With remorting, it sets a more forseeable goal for newcomers, and makes it more interesting when you have to start over where you began, but being a little more powerful. It's like a new way to look at RPGing. Quite creative if you ask me.
PCRPG isn't unique. What the hell are you talking about? PCRPG is base RPG with a few minor modifications, none of which have to do with remorts.
Anyway, mainstream gets old and boring because it gets easier to gain power rather than harder as you climb in strength. For this reason all notions of interplayer activity is thrown out of the window and players engage in some blind race of remorts. Allow me to plot you a time-power graph, comparing PCRPG and OW.
As you can see, as time goes on, you gain power at an increasing exponential rate in PCRPG, whereas in OW the game actually becomes more difficult and drawn out. Ozzy's right in that PCRPG is a chat room, but it's also a stupid race to remorts. Anyone seen disrupting one's progress with some sort of mental deviance, such as mugging or PK'ing, is shunned and branded an "asshole" or other such thing.
But enough rambling. I already left, long ago, for these reasons. If you continue to play with some distorted notion that you're actually interacting with people in-game, then you go right ahead.