When is Pickle hunting season? - All year long.
Dill Pickle or Sour? - Neither... School generic pickles... viscious!
Are there babies Cucumbers? - No, Cucumbers to pickles are like males to females.
Can they fly IF they are Cucumbers? - No, different type.
If they hit a telephone wire will they die? - They explode, yes.
Where do they live? - The bermuda triangle.
Do They Prefer Hot or Cold? - They prefer warm.
Do they fly south for the winter? - No. During winter, they begin to fly aimlessly in circles. After five hours, most of the flying pickles have already bumped into each other and have been knocked unconcious. The dogpile formed by all the KO pickles keeps them warm through winter.
Do they eat other flying animals? - No, they eat salt and vinnegar.
What are there prey? - Salt and Vinnegar.
What are they prey of? - Fat kids eat most of them.
Do They bite? - Yes.
Do they have a beak or teeth? - Teeth, they like to smile. For protection they glint their shiney teeth in the sun to blind their predators.
Do they grow feathers? - No
If they grow feathers what colour are they? - ...
Can you keep them as pets? - Yes, but they bite.
What food do they eat? - Salt and Vinnegar.
What noise do they make? - *shluck*
Are they as annoying as seaguls? - More annoying.. but way cuter.