Why are you jailed for linebreaking anyway? Would it not be sufficient to simply block the linebreak from appearing? >_<
If you're going to say "BUT TAURIK TEHY WERE TRYING TO CRASH TEH SERVAR JAIL EM LOL"....not everyone. Some people came from other mods (where a few linebreaks on the screen won't 'crash the server') and had hex codes in their chat menus to look cool or whatever, some other people are tricked into doing it (like Ziros), and still some others do it by accident...
Not only does the pcrpg filter fail to discriminate between one or two linebreaks (which is harmless) and a flood of them (which can crash clients)....it hands down a ridiculous jail sentence. If you don't believe that a few are harmless, try it yourself; as of this writing, \x10 is not blocked and can be used freely.