Heh. I'm more interested in seeing the show computers than playing Quake. I also don't plan to spend the night there. (Luckly I live 30 miles away).
I feel the same way.
As for Particles storage...... he probably has a lot of collected data... yeah that's it... data. I knew a guy in 1998 who had more than 30 GB of mp3's back then. Back when only a few people even knew what an Mp3, or WinAmp, or any of that ever was... back when people had to use FTP's to get and give the suckers, and you had to "uncook" each one you downloaded. By the end of 1999 he allegedly had over 50GB... which is insane to me.
I allways buy the smallest hard drive I can find (and fastest and best priced... if I can) because I cannot even fill 4 GB with anything.... unless I go get Doom3... heh. I just don't need all the extra space... I cannot afford a reasonable video editing setup, so why bother with the storage for it?