Yeah, ok GE. But there will always be someone to fork things up.. no matter what. It's never going to run perfectly smooth without problems. I mean Jesus Christ you people are getting so forking mad at her over a mistake she made on the forking game... malarkey would have happend one way or another.. and even with a different admin. It may not have been with money.. but it would have happend.
Hell, alot of you probably would have done the same thing (Or forked up in one way or another). You can say you wouldn't have.. but if you were in that position and you had the power.. I'm sure alot of you would.
Anyways.. I think we should just drop all this malarkey. Yeah, she forked up, and she's gonna have admin again. But all this forking whining and unsavory womaning isn't helping/changing a damn thing. So just forking deal with it.