My first character in TRPG was a mage, but after i played for a bit (to RL

i keep finding myself questioning everyclass. I mean seriously what is the point? after RL 10-20 they are all start to become more and more similar, at rl50 i couldn't imagine there even being a difference.
I would suggest to filter out skills, such as offensive magic for fighters/paladins ect. Basicly make every class more focused, instead of every class having everything at RL50.
Allow a mage (who are rare as it is) be a good friend to have with you to transport, and dish out some damage, infact do it for all the classes.
Clerics should be around to keep a group healed, sheild ect.
(or at least make people use potions. Since past RL0 i have not used a single potion)
Warriors would be more usefull in a party if they had some sort of inate taunt to attract npcs.(poor mages take a beating sometimes from sparatic npc agro)
Rangers... well going to buy arrows ALL the freaking time is just lame maybe allow infinit arrows, and give a type of arrow crafting skill. Allow then to learn poision arrows, exploding arrows ect.
This will make parties actualy viable for more than the 10-20 minutes unless you are the same RL and can gain the same xp.
I've been working with a few of these ideas on my test server however my scripting skill are usualy not sufficent enogh to make any dramatic changes. However i am learning =)