I was playing Diablo 2 the other day and my pampered self thought, "Geez, trading in trpg sure is stinks...some people just aren't trust worthy!"(corny,eh?) Well, I thought hard for a moment (then farted) and came to a cool conclusion. A trade screen for tribes rpg!! Use the inventory screen as a start for the GUI,my idea is a little something that looks like this:
It seems geocities doesn't like remote linking of images, I'll put the image in the webalbum in a little bitAmount is a text input field saying how many of the item you want to trade or take off the trade list.
The boxed xxxxx is the amount of coins you'll offer, xxxxx is the amount the person you're trading with offers
The two words confirm are a double confirmation check. so you can think over the trade before doing it or if an error was made.
I forgot to put a cancel button in there
Even something remotely like this would be awesome...
Extra features
- Players are frozen during trade, they can't move or be moved
- Immune to steal, pickpocket, and mug
- Only can be done in town
- Timer cancels trade after period of inactivity
budman types
#trade dudeman
dudeman gets:
Budman wants to trade, YES/NO?
dudeman types
*trade screen pops up*
Ahhhh...so anyone want to expand upon this, I know nothing about scripting... we need a GUI nazi.
Hope this could be in 4.00