For anyone who cares...and yes I did crash the server repeatedly after Draak did what he did. I had only 5 million coins and they were accusing me of duping when I wasn't. Here is all my ss's I took. I dont think that it will matter because apparently Particle is buddies with Draak, who is the problem. So here it is, with ss's.
SS #3
Shows Admin shove and my attempt to be nice.
SS #4
I called him an A$$hole and got 1000 seconds of jail for it
SS #6
People wanting Draak to lose admin
SS #7
Draak bragging about being admin for 2 years
SS #11
Jailed and additional 2000 seconds for saying "FU"
SS #13
Draak teleports Jonah into jail to mug me
SS #16
Draak lies about how much jailtime he gave me when asked by GE
SS #18
Me clowning on Draak, but he's too stupid to get it
SS #19
Triton cusses, but no action is taken by Draak
SS #21
Draak threatens me with additional jailtime
SS #22
Draak again shoves me for damage while I'm jailed
SS #23
I get pissed at him and "help him out with the jailtime"
SS #25
My character is cleared by Draak or some other force
SS #26
The character Karne has alot of coins he claims came from me
SS #27
Jonah apparently has been getting juiced by Draak. They seem to be good friends and his stats show it.