Author Topic: PCRPG Newcomer's Guide (Intro to Playing TRPG/PCRPG)  (Read 14847 times)

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    • Particle's Custom RPG
PCRPG Newcomer's Guide (Intro to Playing TRPG/PCRPG)
« on: November 8, 2004 09:31 pm CST »
Page Last Updated: May 13, 2011 @ 5:14 PM
Updated:  October 16, 2006 @ 12:59 PM

The most recent version of this guide is always available here:
PCRPG Newcomer's Guide

Installing and Running TRPG
TRPG is rather easy to get going, if you know some basic computer usage skills and have around 5-10 minutes.  You have two options for what to download to get in the game.  If you already have Tribes, you can download the TribesRPG 5.005 installer and run it to get started.  If you do not, try the (free) Ultimate Tribes & TribesRPG Pack instead--it comes with Tribes, TRPG, and many commonly-used extras like updated master servers (which enable you to see game servers now that the original master server browser is offline), Dues RPG Pack (chat menus to do common in-game tasks like casting), etc.

A long time ago, you had to install a lot of updates.  Both of these installers bypass the amount of manual effort required to get into the game.  If you installed the Ultimate TRPG Pack, you'll have a desktop shortcut that will launch Tribes with the TRPG mod already ready to go.  Just double-click it to get started.  If you chose to install just the TribesRPG mod package instead, you will need to start RPG mod by using a batch file or shortcut to Tribes.exe with the appropriate command line options.  I suggest the shortcut method, as people have preferred this method over the batch file.  Make a shortcut wherever you want to start the game from.  Goto the shortcut's properties and in the Target field, add " -mod RPG" without quotes after the original value (including original quotation marks in the target value).

Ready to Rock 'n Roll!
Well, not quite.  First you have to create a character for TRPG by clicking on the "Play Game" option when Tribes starts up.  You will need to create a new character which you plan to use on a TRPG server by clicking "New".  Be sure to pick a name without spaces or special characters.  Underscores are acceptable.  Failure to comply with these naming conventions will mean that you can't play on a TRPG server.  Choose a password for your character and type it in the "Other Info" field of your character's profile.  Be sure to pick a password that's hard to guess, so hackers can't easily steal your character.

Once you have done all of that, proceed to the servers page.  You may want to setup a filter (covered on a later date) to show just TRPG servers.  Until I write that instruction set, you will need to just look for games running "RPG" or "RPGMOD".  You can either look by map (rpgmap5) or gametype (RPG or RPGmod).  Either way will result in a TRPG server.  I would suggest you play on the server called "Particle's Custom RPG", but I'm of course biased since that's the server I run.

First Time Login
The first time you join a server, you will be prompted with a screen.  If the screen says something about your name, you need to go back to the character creation dialog discussed earlier and change the name.  Otherwise, you will be confronted with a menu asking if you want to be a Priest, Warrior, Rogue, or Wizard.  Below is a chart of the different options and subclasses:

   Cleric - Clerics are good with Bludgeoning weapons but VERY good at healing spells.
   Druid - Druids are good with Bludgeoning weapons and specialize in Neutral casting.

   Theif - Thieves handle piercing weapons well enough, and are very good at hiding and backstabbing.
   Bard - Bards are much like thieves, except that they are a bit more evenly balanced.

   Fighter - Fighters are great with swords, namely slashing weapons. They are strong, but dumb.
   Paladin - Paladins are much like Fighters, except that they are a bit more evenly balanced.
   Ranger - Rangers specialize in ranged weaponry. They are also good at finding their way when lost.

   Mage - Mages are horrible with weapons and armor, but excel in anything that relates to spells.

This decision is very important, since it cannot be changed during the course of your playing.  Having said that, be sure to carefully consider what you want to play as.  Each class has their own weaknesses and advantages.

Hello, World!
Now that you've chosen a path and are in the game, it's time to start using Skill Points (SP) to raise your skills.  If you are of the warrior class, it's a good idea to invest SP in Slashing, Piercing, Bludgeoning, or Archery--depending on what path you choose to take.  Rangers are strongest in Archery, while Fighters and Paladins are good at any of the other three.  You should also invest SP in Endurance to raise your maximum Hit Points (HP).

If you are a caster (Mage, Cleric, Druid) then you should invest SP in Offensive Casting, Defensive Casting, Neutral Casting, or a combination of the three.  Defensive casting allows for spells like heal, and shield.  Offensive casting allows for spells like thorn, firebomb, and ironfist.  Neutral casting allows for transportation skills.

No matter which class you choose, you'll want to invest a handful of SP credits into Speech.  You'll want this skill to be at 8 or higher so that you'll be able to use the global server chat to talk to other players no matter where they are.  This is great for not just asking for help but also for chatting with friends who happen to be playing or even killing time chatting with total strangers.  =)

To invest SP into a skill, press the TAB for the Tab Menu.  You need to click on the "Skill Points" menu option and click on the skills to raise it.  Your total unused SP count is displayed above the skill listings.  If you want, you can type a number such as 10 in the text field to add 10 SP at a time to a skill before clicking on it.  Don't worry much about this for now though.  Once you are done, click next on the skill listing menu until the "Done" option is displayed.  Click on this to exit the Tab Menu.

Oh Where To Go From Here?!
The closest dungeons to where you are the Keldrin Mines and Yolanda.  The Keldrin Mines are for the newcomers to the realm.  Exit the house that you started in and wonder around Keldrin (the name of the town you started in) until you find the gate arch.  Pass through this arch and head forward along the path to the Keldrin Mines.  There is a line of trees along with discolored ground marking the path all the way.  Once you have entered the mines, proceed down the hall and turn take the path to the right when the hall splits.  Follow that corridor up to the next level in the mines and take a right.  You should end up in a large room with two goblins and a crystal spike.  Hack away at the goblins to your content if you are a warrior.  If you are a caster, you will need to start casting on the bots using the instructions below.  Before you die, it is a good idea to go down the ramp you came from to safety.  The goblins can't follow you into the room right after the split in the hall.  Here, you should press your inventory button and select a Blue Potion.  You should click Use.  This will heal you nicely, and you'll be good to go again.

A Quick Note on Commands
Commands in the game are typically accomplished by using the Tribes chat box.  Commands start with a pound sign (#).  To send a message to the global chat channel, provided you have enough Speech skill to do it, you'll use the #global command.  (Ex:  #global Hello, folks!)  To cast a spell, you'll use #cast spellname.  You may #sleep to regain health in areas that allow it (in tents or inns for most players but rangers may sleep anywhere that isn't hostile).  Likewise, #meditate is used for regaining mana points.  #wake makes you stop sleeping or meditating.  There are many more commands you'll learn while playing, but those are some of the vital ones you'll need to know.

I'm a Mage (Warriors can skip this section)
You should familiarize yourself with casting instead of hacking away at bots.  To cast a spell, type:  #cast spellname
A list of spells lies below, followed by the amount of skill needed to cast:
Offensive Spells
   Thorn - 15
   Fireball - 20
   Firebomb - 35
   Icespike - 45
   Icestorm - 85
   Ironfist - 110
   Cloud - 145
   Melt - 220
   Powercloud - 340
   Hellstorm - 420
   Beam - 520
   Dimensionrift - 750

Neutral Spells
   Teleport - 60 - Teleports you to a specified zone.
   Transport - 200 - Transports you to a specified zone. (Better than teleport)
   Advtransport - 350 - Advanced Transports you to a specified zone. (Better than transport)
   Masstransport - 650 - Transports small group to a specified zone.  Also requires Remort Level 1.
   Remort - 0 - When you reach level 101, you can remort back to level 1 with bonuses.
   Mimic - 145 - Mimics an NPC, which gives you the properties of that monster.  Requires Remort Level 2.

Defensive Spells
   Heal - 10 - Heals the user for a small amount of HP.
   Advheal1 - 80 - Heals the user for a larger amount than Heal.
   Advheal2 - 110 - Heals the user for a greater amount of HP than the previous spell.
   Advheal3 - 200 - Heals the user for a greater amount of HP than the previous spell.
   Advheal4 - 320 - Heals the user for a greater amount of HP than the previous spell.
   Advheal5 - 400 - Heals the user for a greater amount of HP than the previous spell.
   Advheal6 - 500 - Heals the user for a greater amount of HP than the previous spell.
   Godlyheal - 600 - Heals the user for an extremely large amount of HP.
   Fullheal - 750 - Completely heals the user, but can only be cast once every two minutes.
   Massheal - 850 - Heals every friendly unit within a small radius.  Requires Remort Level 2.
   Massfullheal - 950 -  Completely heals every friendly unit with a small radius.  Requires Remort Level 3.
   Shield - 20 - Casts a shield on the user for a short period of time.  Each shield after is self-explainatory.
   Advshield - 60
   Advshield - 140
   Advshield - 290
   Advshield - 420
   Advshield - 635
   Massshield - 680

I've Hacked Like a Lumberjack, Now What?
After you run out of potions or become sluggish in movement speed, it's time to go back to Keldrin to sell items at the merchant (and buy more potions, armor, and weapons!)  When you enter Keldrin coming back from the mines, turn left at the water fountain and enter the shop nearest the entrance of Keldrin.  In here you will find a merchant.  You need to use your chat key to type "hi".  The bot will respond and you will need to type "buy".  From this menu, you can buy and sell what you wish.  Be sure to grab a couple Blue Potions after you have sold the loot you got at the Mines.  Be sure to keep your pickaxe.

That pretty much sums it up for now.
« Last Edit: May 13, 2011 03:31 pm CDT by Particle »
As a point of history:  Our last server clear was on September 27, 2004.  That is 4963 days ago (13.6 years) as of today.

If you're visiting after a long hiatus and have forgotten your password, try emailing me via the support form at

If your character is from after the 2004 clear but appears to have been deleted or reset, chances are it was caught in one of the inactive account purges over the years.  Backups were made before such events, so try the support form.

bomber nut

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Re: PCRPG Newcomer's Guide (Intro to Playing TRPG/PCRPG)
« Reply #1 on: March 17, 2011 12:13 am CDT »
Might wanna put in there about putting a few points into Speech so you can use Global Chat (Or whatever it's called, it's been years since i played).

Click on it.
My username in Tribes is now Serithi.


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Re: PCRPG Newcomer's Guide (Intro to Playing TRPG/PCRPG)
« Reply #2 on: May 13, 2011 03:32 pm CDT »
An excellent idea.  I posted a few updates while I was at it.
As a point of history:  Our last server clear was on September 27, 2004.  That is 4963 days ago (13.6 years) as of today.

If you're visiting after a long hiatus and have forgotten your password, try emailing me via the support form at

If your character is from after the 2004 clear but appears to have been deleted or reset, chances are it was caught in one of the inactive account purges over the years.  Backups were made before such events, so try the support form.


  • Orc Thrasher
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Re: PCRPG Newcomer's Guide (Intro to Playing TRPG/PCRPG)
« Reply #3 on: May 16, 2011 03:18 pm CDT »
Or they could just ask me for help and I'de help em :P

bomber nut

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Re: PCRPG Newcomer's Guide (Intro to Playing TRPG/PCRPG)
« Reply #4 on: May 19, 2011 10:33 pm CDT »
   Theif - Thieves handle piercing weapons well enough, and are very good at hiding and backstabbing.
   Bard - Bards are much like thieves, except that they are a bit more evenly balanced.


Click on it.
My username in Tribes is now Serithi.