Author Topic: Keybinds  (Read 34504 times)

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  • Gnoll Fighter
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« on: August 3, 2002 05:10 pm CDT »
alrighty then.. keybinding is a huge subject amongst those of us who play trpg. for good reason too... seeing as how certain areas are only accessible through keybinding/scripting, or help from an admin. so.. im gonna post a few basic keybinds, and how to implement them.
in your tribes folder, there should be a folder named config. open that folder and look for a file named autoexec.cs. open it using notepad/wordpad.  
now that you have your autoexec open, put this line anywhere under the first few lines of code.
bindCommand(keyboard0, make, "g", TO, "use(\"Crystal Energy Vial\");");
save your autoexec.cs, and join an rpg server. upon entering, if you have a crystal energy vial on you, press the g key and it will be used. this helps out when flying long distances and not being able to meditate while flying. you can always change the key 'g' to whatever key you want. i'll post a few more keybinds.
bindCommand(keyboard0, make, "q", TO, "nextWeapon();");
bindCommand(keyboard0, make, "g", TO, "use(\"Crystal Energy Vial\");");
bindCommand(keyboard0, make, "h", TO, "remoteeval(2048, say(0, \"#cast beam\"));");
bindCommand(keyboard0, make, "f", TO, "remoteeval(2048, say(0, \"#bash\"));");
bindCommand(keyboard0, make, "t", TO, "remoteeval(2048, say(0, \"#shove\"));");
bindCommand(keyboard0, make, "b", TO, "remoteeval(2048, say(0, \"#mug\"));");
bindCommand(keyboard0, make, "c", TO, "remoteeval(2048, say(0, \"#steal\"));");
if you have any questions, feel free to post em. this is just a basic keybind setup mind you.. there are other places to put your keybinds besides the autoexec.

EDIT: moved the post from assistance to documentation.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969 06:00 pm CST by BladeFFXI »
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  • Goblin Pup
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Re: Keybinds
« Reply #1 on: November 12, 2002 01:39 am CST »
Here is an example of all how you can use this to bind *most* of the keys nessassary for tribes rpg. This is based on using the numberpad for most of the spells.

bindCommand(keyboard0, make, ".", TO, "remoteeval(2048, say(0, \"#sleep\"));");
bindCommand(keyboard0, make, shift, ".", TO, "remoteeval(2048, say(0, \"#wake\"));");
bindCommand(keyboard0, make, control, ".", TO, "remoteeval(2048, say(0, \"#meditate\"));");

bindCommand(keyboard0, make, "/", TO, "remoteeval(2048, say(0, \"#camp\"));");
bindCommand(keyboard0, make, shift, "/", TO, "remoteeval(2048, say(0, \"#uncamp\"));");

bindCommand(keyboard0, make, "c", TO, "remoteeval(2048, say(0, \"#shove\"));");
bindCommand(keyboard0, make, "backspace", TO, "remoteeval(2048, say(0, \"#savecharacter\"));");

bindCommand(keyboard0, make, shift, "e", TO, "remoteeval(2048, say(0, \"#teleport yourname\"));");

bindCommand(keyboard0, make, "g", TO, "remoteeval(2048, say(0, \"#defaulttalk #global\"));");
bindCommand(keyboard0, make, shift, "g", TO, "remoteeval(2048, say(0, \"#defaulttalk #say\"));");

bindCommand(mouse0, zaxis0, TO, "nextWeapon();"); //Wheel forward
bindCommand(mouse0, zaxis1, TO, "prevWeapon();"); //Wheel backward

bindCommand(keyboard0, make, "f", TO, "use(\"Crystal Blue Potion\");");
bindCommand(keyboard0, make, control, "f", TO, "drop(\"Crystal Blue Potion\");");

bindCommand(keyboard0, make, shift, "f", TO, "use(\"Blue Potion\");");

bindCommand(keyboard0, make, shift, "numpad0", TO, "remoteeval(2048, say(0, \"#cast heal\"));");
bindCommand(keyboard0, make, shift, "numpad1", TO, "remoteeval(2048, say(0, \"#cast advheal1\"));");
bindCommand(keyboard0, make, shift, "numpad2", TO, "remoteeval(2048, say(0, \"#cast advheal2\"));");
bindCommand(keyboard0, make, shift, "numpad3", TO, "remoteeval(2048, say(0, \"#cast advheal3\"));");
bindCommand(keyboard0, make, shift, "numpad4", TO, "remoteeval(2048, say(0, \"#cast advheal4\"));");
bindCommand(keyboard0, make, shift, "numpad5", TO, "remoteeval(2048, say(0, \"#cast advheal5\"));");
bindCommand(keyboard0, make, shift, "numpad6", TO, "remoteeval(2048, say(0, \"#cast advheal6\"));");
bindCommand(keyboard0, make, shift, "numpad7", TO, "remoteeval(2048, say(0, \"#cast godlyheal\"));");
bindCommand(keyboard0, make, shift, "numpad8", TO, "remoteeval(2048, say(0, \"#cast fullheal\"));");
bindCommand(keyboard0, make, shift, "numpad9", TO, "remoteeval(2048, say(0, \"#cast massheal\"));");
bindCommand(keyboard0, make, shift, "numpadplus", TO, "remoteeval(2048, say(0, \"#cast fullmassheal\"));");

bindCommand(keyboard0, make, control, "numpad0", TO, "remoteeval(2048, say(0, \"#cast shield\"));");
bindCommand(keyboard0, make, control, "numpad1", TO, "remoteeval(2048, say(0, \"#cast advshield1\"));");
bindCommand(keyboard0, make, control, "numpad2", TO, "remoteeval(2048, say(0, \"#cast advshield2\"));");
bindCommand(keyboard0, make, control, "numpad3", TO, "remoteeval(2048, say(0, \"#cast advshield3\"));");
bindCommand(keyboard0, make, control, "numpad4", TO, "remoteeval(2048, say(0, \"#cast advshield4\"));");
bindCommand(keyboard0, make, control, "numpad5", TO, "remoteeval(2048, say(0, \"#cast advshield5\"));");
bindCommand(keyboard0, make, control, "numpad6", TO, "remoteeval(2048, say(0, \"#cast advshield6\"));");
bindCommand(keyboard0, make, control, "numpad7", TO, "remoteeval(2048, say(0, \"#cast massshield\"));");
bindCommand(keyboard0, make, control, "numpad8", TO, "remoteeval(2048, say(0, \"#cast lightningshield\"));");

bindCommand(keyboard0, make, alt, "numpad1", TO, "remoteeval(2048, say(0, \"#cast transport keldrin\"));");
bindCommand(keyboard0, make, alt, "numpad2", TO, "remoteeval(2048, say(0, \"#cast transport mine\"));");
bindCommand(keyboard0, make, alt, "numpad3", TO, "remoteeval(2048, say(0, \"#cast transport yolanda\"));");
bindCommand(keyboard0, make, alt, "numpad4", TO, "remoteeval(2048, say(0, \"#cast transport crypt\"));");
bindCommand(keyboard0, make, alt, "numpad5", TO, "remoteeval(2048, say(0, \"#cast transport elven\"));");
bindCommand(keyboard0, make, alt, "numpad6", TO, "remoteeval(2048, say(0, \"#cast transport den\"));");
bindCommand(keyboard0, make, alt, "numpad7", TO, "remoteeval(2048, say(0, \"#cast transport lair\"));");
bindCommand(keyboard0, make, alt, "numpad8", TO, "remoteeval(2048, say(0, \"#cast transport uber\"));");
bindCommand(keyboard0, make, alt, "numpad9", TO, "remoteeval(2048, say(0, \"#cast transport highlands\"));");

bindCommand(keyboard0, make, "numpad1", TO, "remoteeval(2048, say(0, \"#cast thorn\"));");
bindCommand(keyboard0, make, "numpad2", TO, "remoteeval(2048, say(0, \"#cast firebomb\"));");
bindCommand(keyboard0, make, "numpad3", TO, "remoteeval(2048, say(0, \"#cast icespike\"));");
bindCommand(keyboard0, make, "numpad4", TO, "remoteeval(2048, say(0, \"#cast cloud\"));");
bindCommand(keyboard0, make, "numpad5", TO, "remoteeval(2048, say(0, \"#cast melt\"));");
bindCommand(keyboard0, make, "numpad6", TO, "remoteeval(2048, say(0, \"#cast powercloud\"));");
bindCommand(keyboard0, make, "numpad7", TO, "remoteeval(2048, say(0, \"#cast hellstorm\"));");
bindCommand(keyboard0, make, "numpad8", TO, "remoteeval(2048, say(0, \"#cast dimensionrift\"));");
bindCommand(keyboard0, make, "numpad9", TO, "remoteeval(2048, say(0, \"#cast beam\"));");
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969 06:00 pm CST by Anonymous »