Wanna hear a funny story? One dayI joined the server, and Hubba #begs me for asking if he'll do a quest. So, I decide that I will just play later and leave my house. Next day I log on and Hubba had #beg'd someone for saying something about Particle. As you all know, I am a smart ass, so I of course couldn't pass up this obvious opportunity to crawl my way under someones skin. I say, "omg particle sucks" or something along those lines, and guess what happens? You guessed it. Beg. When I get back in the server, someone who is obviously much more intelliget than I am named Bonzai decides that since I had so greatly offended Particle with my blasphemous words that he would mug me of my war axe and long sword. Apparently I have been gone from the server for so long that I was unaware how valuable these two weapons were to a level 105 so I made the mistake of carrying them around with me. Such changes have been made since it was just me and Al bashing each other all over the map.