My first job was at ingles.. it was fun just because it was my first job and everyone there was cool. 2nd job.. BMX. It's not really a job as much as a sport, but I made enough money from tournys around SC to pay for whatever I needed. 3rd job was at coffee underground in downtown greenville.. it sucked because it was an gathering point of every preppy stuck up coffee drinking tart in greenville. After that, office depot at the copy+print section. All I had to do was design business cards/invitations/business reports for people (among other things like stamps, checks, etc..). It was fun because I got to mess around in photoshop when I wasn't doing anything. One of the managers pissed me off, so I quit. Now i'm not working anywhere, but I'm going to embry-riddle soon, so I won't really have time. My dad is wealthy and told me not to worry about working while i'm there, so yar for that.