sorry fire, i can't do anything, as evil inc once stated, my code is worth malarkey and is always full of loopholes and open ends.
and fire, getting my character back does give me power over others, it gives me power of over other gods, which is my main target and always was, i never sat in the server and just started randomly selecting client id's and killing them, my only goal was to control the assholes that where the gods then. and on another note, even if i had my char back right now fire, it wouldn't do malarkey, evil inc is too big of a damn dick to even try to keep under control without admin.
and fire, the "old" days are and always will be better than the "new" days. and no fire, i won't let everyone play the game the way they want, want to know why? its simple, people like evil inc over there deserved to be cleared for breaking a hell of a lot of rules, people like bub deserve to be punished for stealing/mugging/pk'ing every 3 seconds.