Blah blah blah.
I can't help myself... stealing an orb membership? sweet zombie jesus, Orb sucks. Sorry to the 50 people here that are in Orb... well not realy.
Oh, and it wasn't the fact that she 'impersonated' 12Stones that gained her respect.. and people generaly liking her. It's because chicks always get far more attention than guys do, if she would have been herself.. she could have gotten the same exact results, regardless of her picture, or weather or not she posted said picture. (IE Hubba, Resident_Evil, Pecker)
For example:
[01:23:05] GladioStricto: what are you wearing?
[01:23:12] LastWish: heh, pajamas
^^ A perfect example of what I mean, not that i'm taking what was said serious.
She was also 'nice' to people and all that crap, and generally didn't make too many dumb posts, except when argueing with me.. on any topic. keke
I don't think people like or respect 12Stones, half as much as they do LW, even with this drama. Hence her... 'warm' welcome back.
I'm bored, that is the only way I can explain writing so much.
-Edit just for the fun of it... 10 seconds after finishing this. I got the following:
[02:25] xRazorex: d
[02:25] xRazorex: sadas
[02:25] xRazorex: d
[02:25] xRazorex: as
[02:25] xRazorex: d
[02:25] xkenshinx666: wtf
[02:25] xRazorex: a
[02:25] xRazorex: dsa
[02:25] xRazorex: d
[02:25] xRazorex: as
[02:25] xRazorex: d
[02:25] xkenshinx666: go bug lastwish
[02:25] xRazorex: shes asleep
[02:25] xRazorex: lol
[02:25] xkenshinx666: rofl
[02:30] xkenshinx666: so why did you message me?
[02:30] xRazorex: because everyone from trpg is back on aim
I thought this was amusing.. I don't know... I must be high.