I know most of you just play winamp in the background (hell, even I do that), but i'd still like to entertain the possibilty of having new (and better) music for the zones, mostly just to compliment all of the other changes going around. I've picked out a few samples that *might* work well with the game. Most are no more than 1 minute long, so feel free to listen and see what you think:
City 1 - Maybe for Ktown?
City 2 - Another for Ktown?
City 3 - I'm thinking Ethren or Jaten for this one
City 4 - This seems like a nice "Entry sequence." Only about 10 seconds long
City 5 - Definately Ethren
Unknown 1 - More upbeat, yet mysterious
Unknown 2 - Sounds bleak and dismal...raining on a sad day sort of thing[/list]