I live in a dorm as well, but I still consider energy consumption, even if I am not paying for it. If I am away for an entire day, I actually unplug my power strips to my computer, since even having those plugged in pulls some electricity.
I'd like to ditch my CRT for an LCD, since it has lower energy consumption. I am just wary of them, though, since I have yet to have a family member own one that had proper black-levels (ie, Doom III actually playable, even my roommates LCD that was shipped with his Alienware makes Doom III unplayable because it is so dark). That said, if I do buy an LCD, it will be in a store, not online, so I can judge the levels for myself.
I'm also looking forward to using a core-duo or equivalent processor in my computer. Just cant wait for GPU's to also begin cutting down on energy consumption (is that too lofty of a hope?). At most, I want less than two low-speed fans inside my case for my next build for a low-noise system. Perhaps a passively-cooled PSU, so long as I can find a way to keep it from heating up my components too much or at all. I have heard of a few external power supplies.