Have you check any of these out?
I have been watching them on and off, and I have to say I have mixed feelings about them...
It's really great to see some fans that are dedicated enough to spend their time and money keeping Roddenberry's true vision alive. I have to say that, because of them, I've gained a newfound respect for TOS. (And this Saturday is the HD re-release of TOS series! Digitally enhanced and all!)
I shouldn't hold this against them, but those are definately some untrained actors. The story lines are nice, albeit incredibly rushed (For example, "In Harm's Way" was a good story plot, but the action and closure was rushed to the point where I couldn't even understand what they were saying). As for the graphics, they are good for amateur work, but I'm pretty sure a capital ship like the Enterprise can't manuver like a BSG Viper.
Also....no one can play Kirk except Shatner. No one.
Have you seen the trailer for "To Serve All My Days"?