If you want to see a different sky show up on my server at these times.
**or show up when im in there and ill give you a demo**
6am cst (dawn)- blue starry sky
8am cst (day)- white cloudy sky, sunny
8pm cst (dusk)- golden brown with stars
9pm cst (night)- black sky with stars
We used to have the sky cycle through day/night about once an hour, but as some of the ppl in this thread pointed out (lol, they played through it) it causes a severe video glitch that can be quite annoying. The solution that I came up with was to install a timestamp patch on the server so that the server could tell the actual time that is on the pc. Using that a way was devised of making the sky change only 4 times per day, thereby eliminating the glitch. It's pretty nifty. If ppl want it over your bland sky, then I'll give you the code. Seems like there is an outcry for a new sky. The only thing I ask is that you dont use the exact same skies. Corona will be able to help you out with it if you decide to do it.