Voting is over.
Pecker3 - 16 votes
Draak - 9 votes
Razore - 6 votes
Crash - 2 votes
Darwin - 1 vote
Congrats, Draak and Pecker! Don't bother to recount them, according to my rules they're correct. Here is how I recorded everybody to vote:
Coal - Pecker, Razore
Hack - Pecker
Bub - Pecker, Draak
UG - Crash
Crash - Pecker, Draak
Jamin - Pecker, Razore
Evil Inc - Pecker, Draak
Black Ice - Pecker, Razore
Triton - Pecker, Draak
Shritis - Pecker, Draak
Khorne - Pecker
Razore - Pecker
Draak - Pecker, Darwin
Pecker - Draak, Crash
Legend - Razore
Sexy - Pecker, Draak
Noc - Razore
Dirk - Pecker, Draak
7 - Pecker, Draak
Darwin - Pecker, Razore
That chart may not be accurate as I wrote out the votes by hand at a wierd angle, but that doesn't effect totals at all. Once again, congrats.