Yeah, I know, I was just bored. Here's a relatively simple quest that I've found that theoretically should work. I just want to make some simple quests so someone could run them. I still want to make a sniping quest, or at least fix up my treasure hunt quest to see if it would work.
function ArkemnQuest()
say(0, "#block spawnarkemn");
say(0, "#spawn runt Arkemn runt 0 -2436.75 -311.511 30.1029 >#call beginquest");
say(0, "#deathmsg Arkemn #global Looks like my powers are useless against the coming apocalypse... I have put together gear for the brave warrior in my tower.");
say(0, "#delbot Arkemn");
say(0, "#endblock");
say(0, "#call spawnarkemn");
say(0, "#block beginquest");
say(0, "#spawnpack arkemnquest -2623.68 619.639 730.974 | Start_Arkemn_Quest * LCK 5 >#call apocalypse1");
say(0, "#endblock");
say(0, "#block apocalypse1");
say(0, "#loadout War CLASS Fighter EXP 390000 WarHammer 1 BattleAxe 1 BadgeofHonor 1/-550 LCK 5");
say(0, "#loadout Famine CLASS Fighter EXP 390000 Rapier 1 RepeatingCrossbow 1 HeavyQuarrel 100 BadgeofReverence 1/-550 LCK 5");
say(0, "#loadout Disease CLASS Fighter EXP 390000 Flail 1 AwlPike 1 BadgeofFriendship 1/-550 LCK 5");
say(0, "#loadout Death CLASS Fighter EXP 390000 War Maul 1 HeavyCrossbow 1 HeavyQuarrel 150 BadgeofLoyalty 1/-550 LCK 5");
say(0, "#gm The coming Apocolypse.... Famine has struck the Elven Forest.");
say(0, "#spawn sloth Famine Famine 7 -1658.39 2641.24 387.793 >#call apocalypse2");
say(0, "#endblock");
say(0, "#block apocalypse2");
say(0, "#gm War has broke out at Fort Ethern...");
say(0, "#spawn sloth War War 7 -2465.65 -2324.41 49.1123 >#call apocalypse3");
say(0, "#endblock");
say(0, "#block apocalypse3");
say(0, "#gm Disease has stricken the good people of Keldrin..");
say(0, "#spawn sloth Disease Disease 7 -2410.33 -263.424 52.2241 >#call apocalypse4");
say(0, "#endblock");
say(0, "#block apocalypse4");
say(0, "#gm The people at the mines are slowly meeting their Death...");
say(0, "#spawn sloth Death Death 7 -1550.49 -1110.88 197.5 >#call reward2");
say(0, "#endblock");
say(0, "#block reward2");
say(0, "#spawn runt Arkemn runt 0 -2436.75 -311.511 30.1029");
say(0, "#deathmsg Arkemn #global I have underestimated you... I will reward you greatly.... Come to where the quest began and find your reward there.");
say(0, "#delbot Arkemn");
say(0, "#spawnpack reward2 -2623.68 619.639 730.974 | The_Reward * LCK 10 EXP 1000 SP 10 Enchantedstone 15");
say(0, "#clearloadouts");
say(0, "#clearblocks");
say(0, "#endblock");
Hey Crash remember this quest? ...
function FloodQuest()
say(0, "#block flood");
say(0, "#gm The waters around Keldrin are swelling and have suddenly become dangerous...");
say(0, "#loadout Mayor CLASS Mage EXP 9000 Castingblade 1");
say(0, "#spawn runt Mayor_Of_Keldrin Mayor 0 -2404 -277 52.6 >#call mayordied");
say(0, "#fw Mayor_OF Keldrin #setinfo The proud Mayor of Keldrin town");
say(0, "#deathmsg Mayor_Of_Keldrin #zone Aaaargh the WaterElemental has killed me!");
say(0, "#echo on");
say(0, "#fw Mayor_Of_Keldrin #global The WaterElemental has flooded the town! Heros! Come and fight it off!");
say(0, "#echo off");
say(0, "#spawndis water1 floodwater -2379 -304 49.6");
say(0, "#loadout WaterElemental CLASS Figter EXP 14000 battleaxe 1");
say(0, "#spawn reaper WaterElemental WaterElemental 6 -2516 -178 80 >#call unflood");
say(0, "#fw WaterElemental #setinfo A being with the power to control the forces of Water!");
say(0, "#deathmsg WaterElemental #zone Nooo I have lost... I will return...");
say(0, "#follow WaterElemental Mayor_Of_Keldrin");
say(0, "#endblock");
say(0, "#block unflood");
say(0, "#deldis floodwater");
say(0, "#call mayorlived");
say(0, "#endblock");
say(0, "#block mayorlived");
say(0, "#fw Mayor_Of_Keldrin #zone You saved the town! Thanks!");
say(0, "#fw Mayor_Of_Keldrin #zone Go and collect your reward!");
say(0, "#spawnpack Mayor's_Reward -2404 -274 56.6 | * * COINS 5000 enchantedstone 2 >#call killoffmayor");
say(0, "#endblock");
say(0, "#block mayordied");
say(0, "#delblock mayorlived");
say(0, "#endblock");
say(0, "#block killoffmayor");
say(0, "#deathmsg Mayor_Of_Keldrin #zone Farewell brave heros");
say(0, "#delbot Mayor_Of_Keldrin");
say(0, "#endblock");
say(0, "#call flood");
It was Vectrex's favorite quest. Simple, sweet, and short.