With my son's mother (girlfriend before my wife) I went through the samething with me being more into the computer than her, eventually we worked out a time schedule which didn't work with her and since she broke the agreement I went back to being on it when I wanted. I believe the time schedule might work with her, I can be on the game when she's at work and for a couple of hours when I get home from work OR until she wakes up which could be seconds once I sit down in the chair then she wants me to come to bed , but I feel that's not enough time for me.
I do care for my wife and nothing comes above her but I care more about MY time than the WE time and that's properly where I mess up but if she wants to do anything or wants me to do anything I almost always gives in to the demand. I'm a gamer, I'm a computer geek and I have a addiction all of which are healthy for my future considering this is going to be my career field. I just don't want to give up the time.
We are meant to be with each other, we get along so perfectly and we both use logic to resolve most problems but on this one I refuse to give up what's important to me and don't get me wrong she's important too but I had some important things before I met her that I don't want to give up.
Can't post a picture of my wife, she would have a fit, she wants to read this thread once a solution has been found for my little issue. Glad we are making progress.