Since I cant post in the Doghouse forum, I'll do it here.
1. We weren't trying to crash the server when we came in and spammed.
2. If I had been trying to crash the server, it would've crashed. Corona knows that I have the ability to do so.
3. Per the server rules:
Section 1, Subsection A - Spam
Spam. Spamming the global channel is the most annoying spam that you can possibly do. It annoys most people, and as said earlier: "Nobody likes that meat." (Well, seriously, I don't mind the Hormel meat product.) By spam, I mean repetitions of the same word or phrase repeated at short intervals on any mode of communication except for #say (in some cases only). If somebody wants to repeat themselves, then they should wait a respectable amount of time for replies and then try again. I am going to ask that people wait at least 30 seconds (a very decent amount) for replies and then try again if they wish. The only exception to this will be in a special event such as "I made it! Woohoo!" (excitement) to where three repetitions will be allowed at short intervals. This should not be used in conjunction with the general spam rule to where they repeat multiple lines at short intervals every 30 seconds. Also, if you are getting nowhere with your repeats, then stop asking. If you must need a limit, then consider 6 repetitions the absolute maximum within a 15 minute period. Also, be aware that this 15 minute period starts at your first statement. Abuse to where you try and "stack" periods in order to obtain 11 repetitions will not be tolerated and will be punished first by a warning. Should you persist, the general spam punishments listed below will take effect.
Spam Punishment
1st Offense: A general warning to discontinue may be issued.
2nd Offense: A jail period of 2-10 minutes as a general guideline.
3rd Offense: A jail period of 5-15 minutes as a general guideline.
4th Offense: Player will be jailed and fined for an amount as seen fit by the admin. Muting is also an option.
I believe you skipped over all the rules and just made your own rule up. I expect this to be resolved in a timely manner. Thank you.