inc, i didn't "dupe" malarkey, all i did was drop off some stuff onto another character and even then, I TOLD PARTICLE THE CHAR NAME AND HE DIDN'T TOUCH THE STUFF so drop the topic, the stuff with remain their forever because i dont feel like logging back on as him. and inc, if i killed so many n00bs, why did they always look up to me and always want help from me? i mean if i really did kill all those n00bs, they would all hate my guts and pecker would hate me also just for doing it, get your facts straight before you try to talk malarkey. and wanna know something else inc, i never gave anything to anyone other than like 3 pieces of keld total and even then, those 3 pieces went to 1 god and 1 really good friend in need of it because THERE IS NO KELD ON THAT SERVER if you haven't noticed.
so crash is right, your wrong, and you can fork yourself.