Evil is not mean. He was mean he would not have risked geting banned to help Shen_long. Wanna know why evil is mean to certin people. Because They are dumb, ignorent, or just flat out stupied.... Makes sense to me.
I will not comment on his "helping" Shen-long as it is debatable as to whether or not he is the actual cause to begin with.
As to "being mean" (or abusing his power against ) others. the mere fact of us being "stupid", "dumb" or "ignorent" is no cause to spend hours on end on-server tormenting them by jailing them with deadly bots, remorting them against their will ext ext or even spend the hours spamming the server with an argument no one wants to look at. The powers are meant to be used in an impartial fashion rather than as a tool to carry out grudges against personal enemies.
When you come down to it, those "stupid", "dumb" and "ignorent" might actually be right on occasions. Every discussion, argument, debate or issue has multiple sides. When you look at it from only one, everyone not on the one you are looking at will appear "stupid", dumb" or "ignorent". It is the act of being so arrogant that you refuse to even consider other possibilities than the one you entertain that makes someone appear to be mean.
If he were to start treating other people as people who have rights to their opinion and ways of life ect ect, he would have far better success. Some of us also find the bigoted remarks that he constantly spews forth insulting as well. When you spend 100% of on-server time attacking others on a proffessional (in-game) level as well as a personal (real life) level, you are bound to make enemies.
It is this behavior that bothers us.
Why not treat others with dignity and respect? why not use his power as it was intended. Those are the ONLY things I have EVER had against him (of course copying my name is irritating, but meh, we all know who the original is so its no big deal
) My open hand of freindship is extended,as always, in the hopes that he will start treating others in a decent fashion.