hey man i didnt do it
dont cheat never will
well maybe tomb raider o course lol
oh well but i swear ima have a heartb attack bye the end of the week wit all the worries and harrasment for somethin i didnt do
*sigh cant we jus get along
i already talked to part bou removin my house so there wouldnt be no more of it then i wouldnt have my hair fallin off my whole body lol
seriously hair is fallin outa my head and ballz
cant do homework never did but still.. lol
i cant relax cause peeps left and right tryin to get char cleared
but i talked to haze and i thnk i got thngs settled wit him
i asked him if we could jus play and be friends and he said ok
but jus incase ima leave house and stuff for reasons ive told jus above