Considering I didnt want to take the pk thread off-topic, I'll say this here. You are a manipulative, lying, deceptive, pseudo-nice guy. You are arrogant, obnoxious, annoying, and ignorant. On the server you piss people off, and in the forums you piss people off. You have no right to speak for other people and as far as I'm concerned you shouldn't have the right to speak for yourself. Your false claims of "everyone hates evil and I'm the most righteous motherf*cker on the server" only further your standing as a lying little (or shall I say freakishly tall) manipulator. If everyone in the server hates evil, why am I not seeing them here posting with you? Until you make up the collective "everyone" all you have to go on and speak for is what you think. Shut up, play the game, and...shut up.