with all the flak flying about i just noticed this when i read the thread again...
Failing to mug an RL0 is not illegal. Are you saying kit actually stole some of your items?
then I read the updated rules as issued by the same admin as additional and enforceable...
Section 1, Subsection L - RL 0 rules.
New Rule
RL 0 players are off limits to all players over RL 1 level 101. Players under RL1 level 102 can treat RL0 players as normal (PK/Mug). If a player is attacked by an RL0 player, that player is free to defend him/her self.
An RL0 player is safe up to level 101, if they proceed to continue leveling past 101, they are no longer protected by the RL0 rule and cannot attack or mug RL0s who are below level 102.
These are the rules found in The Dog House thread listed under Sticky: Updated Rule Sheet.
Please provide an explanation as to how this rule is to be enforced when it is applied to rl 0's. I cannot find a single precedent that would support the argument that a failed mug of an rl 0 is not illegal. IN order for their to be a failed mug... there must first be an attempt at mugging... and mugging an rl 0 is illegal... or does the "Off Limits" rule only apply to certain players and certain characters in certain situations?
The rule plainly states that rl 0's are "Off Limits"... Please define "off Limits" because the common accepted definition in the normal realm of society is that "Off Limits" means under no circumstances... no way, no how, zip, zilch, nada, nothing... by anyone other than another rl 0...
Does this mean that the failed mugging attempt is not bound by the "off Limits" rule?
or does the new rule "Off Limits " mean that it is only enforced when the mugging is legal?
How can this be when it has been clearly stated on my occasions that a mugging (or attempted mugging) cannot be proven... only a failed mug, but if a failed mug isn't illegal... then the attempt to mug isn't illegal either... and the "off Limts" rule for rl 0's is beneign, defunked, and useless ...
we are confused....
then there is the definition of the word attack... whereas there are players, pks and admins that say that a mugging is an attack on their character, a failed mug is the only true evidence of this type of attack... If mugging is accepted as a type of attack, then a failed mug would be a failed attack as well... and since every single revenge kill is based upon a FAILED MUG... then it seems that a failed mug IS by precedent and by rule a type of attack that warrants retribution... and IS covered by the new rl 0 "Off Limits" rule and the perpetrators should have been punished accordingly...
maybe they should have been given 50k seconds in jail.... the perpetrators were not noobs themselves, they knew the rules and yet the violations again were left to go unpunished...
Makes me wonder about the previous clears....
I have been told that the previous clears happened for a number of reasons... some of which I think are still valid for this one...
But then again who am I to cast any doubts whatsoever as to the Fidelity and Honesty of those that play this server
The "Not So Mighty" Arf