Redneck, this is a past issue but I will address your post even though it deserves it not.
Why are you wasting your time if it does not deserve it? Doesn't that display a lack of proper judgment on your side?
The reason I brought this up was because I was tired of seeing your constant flaming of Rose in every single forking thread I go to.
The weak should be protected. When rules are broken in ways like overmugging the weak or overkilling the weak, they SHOULD be protected.
You are advocating that the weak should only be protected from the rules while the others shouldn't. This is preferential treatment. As reviewing past arguments I have gotten into I look at every word in a neutral stance and how each word is applied to the situation creates its intention. You may be talking about preferential treatment with a positive connotation, but it is still preferential treatment.
Focus has gotten a form of special treatment, I will admit that. The special treatment he got is receiving more punishment than others because he's an asshat.
Oh wait, we already know that and as we have more class, we will not waste our time with silly name calling.
Oh wait, you just did waste time and show a genuine display of arrogance. Congrats. Think of all the bandwidth you could have saved just by coming out with it in the first place and saying your honest opinion of me, but no, you decided to put in a couple more characters that used up a couple more bits. Now when each person loads this page, it will take away from the total bandwidth that Particle has. You could have just called me an idiot, and then this response would not be necessary, thus saving time, energy, and resources.
Who is "we"? Are we now in a society where the pronoun "I" has been replaced with "we" because there is no such thing as an individual having a say? (hehehe Anthem)
We are dealing with this just fine without your lies and false propoganda flaming someone else to make yourself look good. You are only making yourself look foolish.
Let's start with our lies comment.
What specifically have I said that is a lie? Are my statements about Rose being a trustworthy person a lie because they disagree with what you believe, or is it because it's the truth and it's not what you're advocating? Seriously, the only reason I got involved in this is because I'm tired of your constant unsavory womaning. You are acting as immature as a forking elementary school student.
False propaganda.
Propaganda, according to the American Heritage dictionary, is material disseminated by the advocates or opponents of a doctrine or cause. You are claiming that I am speaking false material because I'm an advocate of a doctrine or a cause. Where have I ever supported a doctrine or a cause? I only stated a similarity between your types of arguments and propaganda, which would be the fallacy of personal attacks, which was the entirety of my post. Great job on catching that one, genius.
Flaming someone else to make myself look good.
I don't forking care how I look. All I know is that I hate you from the bottom of my heart for the fact that you are a forking troll. Even by posting this, I have broken rule 14. Don't argue with a troll, it means they win. If anything, I just got tired of how you were forking acting and thought that my words would make you understand how wrong you truly are and would give up your fruitless endeavors of slandering Rose's name.
Preferential treatment, if you actually played on the server, you would see it.
Just because I don't play on the server now, doesn't mean that I never did. I played on the server when Rose first got his admin privileges. I watched as Rose started handing out punishment to rule breakers. As I said in my previous post, from what I have seen, as in from personal experience, which means that I have experienced myself (since you obviously have trouble with your English it needs to be spelled out for you), Rose NEVER displayed preferential treatment.