alright, first off, this is a game. its a game, it has no impact on reality in any way whatsoever, unless you let it. secondly, no one here is an innocent victim. we've all done things in the server to piss someone else off, some moreso than others. however, the vast majority isnt put on trial for 'blatant crimes', 'char hacking', 'abuse of power', etc. despite the fact that most, if not all of us have commited some form of crime in particles server.
i guess what im trying to say is, eViL isnt perfect, none of us are. whatever makes him who he is, isnt going to change, well... not instantly anyway. i hear objective evidence from all sides, so its hard who to believe. not to mention, anyone with that much power is constantly put under scrutiny. i remember when i was the highest rl on the server, and i was constantly being questioned, and accused of things i didnt do. cut the guy a little slack, and play the game. remort, level, remort, level, remort, level, and whatever else it is we do in trpg.
this of course is all my interpretation of the matter, my point of view so to speak, and im always up for constructive criticism.