Author Topic: Complete List of PCRPG Spells  (Read 55131 times)

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Complete List of PCRPG Spells
« on: April 23, 2003 04:23 pm CDT »
Page Last Updated: October 16, 2006 @ 1:15 PM

Scroll down for the spell list.

cool, i guess i dont need to make a list after all..
« Last Edit: April 24, 2003 12:56 am CDT by BladeFFXI »
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« Reply #1 on: April 23, 2003 04:40 pm CDT »
There's already a spell listing in Deus's Newbie Guide (in game).
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969 06:00 pm CST by Silvanoshei »

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« Reply #2 on: April 23, 2003 04:46 pm CDT »
ah, fantastic. however, i dont think it would have the divine spells... such as #divinefury or #kamikazi... which is why im making the spell listing. so we can know ALL of the spells on particles server. thanks for the info though silv, i'll finish the list when i get off work.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969 06:00 pm CST by BladeFFXI »
'Knowledge is not power, the ability to apply your knowledge is true power.'

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« Reply #3 on: April 23, 2003 07:40 pm CDT »
Offensive Casting
Thorn - 15 OC
Fireball - 20 OC
FireBomb - 35 OC
Icespike -
IceStorm -
IronFist -
Cloud -
Melt -
HellStorm - 450OC
PowerCloud - 650OC
Dimensionrift - 750OC
Beam - 520OC

Divine Casting
DivineFury -
Kamikazi -

Defensive Casting
Heal - 10DC
Advheal1 -
Advheal2 -
Advheal3 -
Advheal4 -
Advheal5 -
Advheal6 -
Godlyheal -
Fullheal - 750DC
Massheal -
Massfullheal -
Shield - 15DC
Advshield1 -
Advshield2 -
Advshield3 -
Advshield4 -
Advshield5 -
MassShield -

Neutral Casting
Teleport - 60NC
Transport - 200NC
Mimic - RL 2 140NC
Advtransport - 350NC
Masstransport -
Remort - lvl 101 NC 0

not sure on all of the restrictions
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969 06:00 pm CST by Vorter_X_ »


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« Reply #4 on: April 23, 2003 10:14 pm CDT »
Godly heal is 600DC... anyways, I know theres a guide somewhere... and if u cant find it just look in restrictions.cs and post em :P
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969 06:00 pm CST by Sabby »


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« Reply #5 on: April 23, 2003 11:37 pm CDT »
$SkillRestriction[thorn] = $SkillOffensiveCasting @ " 15";
$SkillRestriction[fireball] = $SkillOffensiveCasting @ " 20";
$SkillRestriction[firebomb] = $SkillOffensiveCasting @ " 35";
$SkillRestriction[icespike] = $SkillOffensiveCasting @ " 45";
$SkillRestriction[icestorm] = $SkillOffensiveCasting @ " 85";
$SkillRestriction[ironfist] = $SkillOffensiveCasting @ " 110";
$SkillRestriction[cloud] = $SkillOffensiveCasting @ " 145";
$SkillRestriction[melt] = $SkillOffensiveCasting @ " 220";
$SkillRestriction[powercloud] = $SkillOffensiveCasting @ " 340";
$SkillRestriction[hellstorm] = $SkillOffensiveCasting @ " 420";
$SkillRestriction[beam] = $SkillOffensiveCasting @ " 520";
$SkillRestriction[dimensionrift] = $SkillOffensiveCasting @ " 750";

$SkillRestriction[teleport] = $SkillNeutralCasting @ " 60";
$SkillRestriction[transport] = $SkillNeutralCasting @ " 200";
$SkillRestriction[advtransport] = $SkillNeutralCasting @ " 350";
$SkillRestriction[remort] = $SkillNeutralCasting @ " 0 " @ $MinLevel @ " 101";
$SkillRestriction[mimic] = $SkillNeutralCasting @ " 145 " @ $MinRemort @ " 2";
$SkillRestriction[masstransport] = $SkillNeutralCasting @ " 650 " @ $MinRemort @ " 1";

$SkillRestriction[heal] = $SkillDefensiveCasting @ " 10";
$SkillRestriction[advheal1] = $SkillDefensiveCasting @ " 80";
$SkillRestriction[advheal2] = $SkillDefensiveCasting @ " 110";
$SkillRestriction[advheal3] = $SkillDefensiveCasting @ " 200";
$SkillRestriction[advheal4] = $SkillDefensiveCasting @ " 320";
$SkillRestriction[advheal5] = $SkillDefensiveCasting @ " 400";
$SkillRestriction[advheal6] = $SkillDefensiveCasting @ " 500";
$SkillRestriction[godlyheal] = $SkillDefensiveCasting @ " 600";
$SkillRestriction[fullheal] = $SkillDefensiveCasting @ " 750";
$SkillRestriction[massheal] = $SkillDefensiveCasting @ " 850 " @ $MinRemort @ " 2";
$SkillRestriction[massfullheal] = $SkillDefensiveCasting @ " 950 " @ $MinRemort @ " 3";
$SkillRestriction[shield] = $SkillDefensiveCasting @ " 20";
$SkillRestriction[advshield1] = $SkillDefensiveCasting @ " 60";
$SkillRestriction[advshield2] = $SkillDefensiveCasting @ " 140";
$SkillRestriction[advshield3] = $SkillDefensiveCasting @ " 290";
$SkillRestriction[advshield4] = $SkillDefensiveCasting @ " 420";
$SkillRestriction[advshield5] = $SkillDefensiveCasting @ " 635";

-- for the hell of being a complete ass....
$Spell::keyword[1] = "firebomb";
$Spell::index[firebomb] = 1;
$Spell::name[1] = "Fire Bomb From Hell";
$Spell::description[1] = "Casts an explosive.";
$Spell::delay[1] = 1.5;
$Spell::recoveryTime[1] = 2.625;
$Spell::radius[1] = 10;
$Spell::damageValue[1] = "55";
$Spell::LOSrange[1] = 80;
$Spell::manaCost[1] = 5;
$Spell::startSound[1] = ActivateBF;
$Spell::endSound[1] = ExplodeLM;
$Spell::groupListCheck[1] = False;
$Spell::refVal[1] = 55;
$Spell::graceDistance[1] = 2;
$SkillType[firebomb] = $SkillOffensiveCasting;

$Spell::keyword[2] = "teleport";
$Spell::index[teleport] = 2;
$Spell::name[2] = "Teleport close to nearest zone";
$Spell::description[2] = "Teleports you near a zone";
$Spell::delay[2] = 3.5;
$Spell::recoveryTime[2] = 16.5;
$Spell::manaCost[2] = 8;
$Spell::startSound[2] = Portal11;
$Spell::endSound[2] = ActivateCH;
$Spell::groupListCheck[2] = False;
$Spell::refVal[2] = 0;
$Spell::graceDistance[2] = 2;
$SkillType[teleport] = $SkillNeutralCasting;

$Spell::keyword[3] = "transport";
$Spell::index[transport] = 3;
$Spell::name[3] = "Transport to zone";
$Spell::description[3] = "Transports to a specific zone";
$Spell::delay[3] = 4.0;
$Spell::recoveryTime[3] = 23;
$Spell::manaCost[3] = 12;
$Spell::startSound[3] = RespawnB;
$Spell::endSound[3] = ActivateCH;
$Spell::groupListCheck[3] = False;
$Spell::refVal[3] = 0;
$Spell::graceDistance[3] = 2;
$SkillType[transport] = $SkillNeutralCasting;

$Spell::keyword[4] = "advtransport";
$Spell::index[advtransport] = 4;
$Spell::name[4] = "Advanced Transport to zone";
$Spell::description[4] = "Transports self OR person in line-of-sight to a specific zone";
$Spell::delay[4] = 4.0;
$Spell::recoveryTime[4] = 27;
$Spell::LOSrange[4] = 500;
$Spell::manaCost[4] = 16;
$Spell::startSound[4] = RespawnB;
$Spell::endSound[4] = ActivateCH;
$Spell::groupListCheck[4] = True;
$Spell::refVal[4] = 0;
$Spell::graceDistance[4] = 2;
$SkillType[advtransport] = $SkillNeutralCasting;

$Spell::keyword[5] = "cloud";
$Spell::index[cloud] = 5;
$Spell::name[5] = "Cloud Attack";
$Spell::description[5] = "Casts an explosive.";
$Spell::delay[5] = 1.5;
$Spell::recoveryTime[5] = 2.625;
$Spell::radius[5] = 10;
$Spell::damageValue[5] = "85";
$Spell::LOSrange[5] = 80;
$Spell::manaCost[5] = 10;
$Spell::startSound[5] = ActivateBF;
$Spell::endSound[5] = ExplodeLM;
$Spell::groupListCheck[5] = False;
$Spell::refVal[5] = 85;
$Spell::graceDistance[5] = 2;
$SkillType[cloud] = $SkillOffensiveCasting;

$Spell::keyword[6] = "melt";
$Spell::index[melt] = 6;
$Spell::name[6] = "Melt Bomb Attack";
$Spell::description[6] = "Casts an explosive.";
$Spell::delay[6] = 1.5;
$Spell::recoveryTime[6] = 2.625;
$Spell::radius[6] = 10;
$Spell::damageValue[6] = "140";
$Spell::LOSrange[6] = 80;
$Spell::manaCost[6] = 15;
$Spell::startSound[6] = ActivateBF;
$Spell::endSound[6] = ExplodeLM;
$Spell::groupListCheck[6] = False;
$Spell::refVal[6] = 140;
$Spell::graceDistance[6] = 2;
$SkillType[melt] = $SkillOffensiveCasting;

$Spell::keyword[7] = "powercloud";
$Spell::index[powercloud] = 7;
$Spell::name[7] = "Power Cloud Attack";
$Spell::description[7] = "Casts three explosives.";
$Spell::delay[7] = 1.5;
$Spell::recoveryTime[7] = 7.5;
$Spell::radius[7] = 10;
$Spell::damageValue[7] = "70";
$Spell::LOSrange[7] = 80;
$Spell::manaCost[7] = 20;
$Spell::startSound[7] = ActivateBF;
$Spell::endSound[7] = ExplodeLM;
$Spell::groupListCheck[7] = False;
$Spell::refVal[7] = 210;
$Spell::graceDistance[7] = 2;
$SkillType[powercloud] = $SkillOffensiveCasting;

$Spell::keyword[8] = "heal";
$Spell::index[heal] = 8;
$Spell::name[8] = "Heal Self";
$Spell::description[8] = "Heals the caster.";
$Spell::delay[8] = 1.5;
$Spell::recoveryTime[8] = 2.25;
$Spell::damageValue[8] = -6;
$Spell::manaCost[8] = 2;
$Spell::startSound[8] = DeActivateWA;
$Spell::endSound[8] = ActivateAR;
$Spell::groupListCheck[8] = False;
$Spell::refVal[8] = -6;
$Spell::graceDistance[8] = 2;
$SkillType[heal] = $SkillDefensiveCasting;

$Spell::keyword[9] = "advheal1";
$Spell::index[advheal1] = 9;
$Spell::name[9] = "Heal Self or Other (1st)";
$Spell::description[9] = "Heals the caster or someone in the LOS.";
$Spell::delay[9] = 1.5;
$Spell::recoveryTime[9] = 3.25;
$Spell::damageValue[9] = -10;
$Spell::LOSrange[9] = 80;
$Spell::manaCost[9] = 3;
$Spell::startSound[9] = DeActivateWA;
$Spell::endSound[9] = ActivateAR;
$Spell::groupListCheck[9] = False;
$Spell::refVal[9] = -10;
$Spell::graceDistance[9] = 2;
$SkillType[advheal1] = $SkillDefensiveCasting;

$Spell::keyword[10] = "advheal2";
$Spell::index[advheal2] = 10;
$Spell::name[10] = "Heal Self Or Other (2nd)";
$Spell::description[10] = "Heals the caster or someone in the LOS.";
$Spell::delay[10] = 1.5;
$Spell::recoveryTime[10] = 4.0;
$Spell::damageValue[10] = -15;
$Spell::LOSrange[10] = 80;
$Spell::manaCost[10] = 4;
$Spell::startSound[10] = DeActivateWA;
$Spell::endSound[10] = ActivateAR;
$Spell::groupListCheck[10] = False;
$Spell::refVal[10] = -15;
$Spell::graceDistance[10] = 2;
$SkillType[advheal2] = $SkillDefensiveCasting;

$Spell::keyword[11] = "godlyheal";
$Spell::index[godlyheal] = 11;
$Spell::name[11] = "Godly Heal Self Or Other";
$Spell::description[11] = "Heals the caster or someone in the LOS.";
$Spell::delay[11] = 1.5;
$Spell::recoveryTime[11] = 6;
$Spell::damageValue[11] = -80;
$Spell::LOSrange[11] = 80;
$Spell::manaCost[11] = 15;
$Spell::startSound[11] = DeActivateWA;
$Spell::endSound[11] = ActivateAR;
$Spell::groupListCheck[11] = False;
$Spell::refVal[11] = -80;
$Spell::graceDistance[11] = 2;
$SkillType[godlyheal] = $SkillDefensiveCasting;

$Spell::keyword[12] = "beam";
$Spell::index[beam] = 12;
$Spell::name[12] = "Beam";
$Spell::description[12] = "Light gathers into a concentrated beam and causes intense damage to the target.";
$Spell::delay[12] = 0.0;
$Spell::recoveryTime[12] = 15;
$Spell::damageValue[12] = "180";
$Spell::LOSrange[12] = 1000;
$Spell::manaCost[12] = 30;
$Spell::startSound[12] = HitLevelDT;
$Spell::endSound[12] = HitBF;
$Spell::groupListCheck[12] = False;
$Spell::refVal[12] = 180;
$Spell::graceDistance[12] = 5;
$SkillType[beam] = $SkillOffensiveCasting;

$Spell::keyword[13] = "thorn";
$Spell::index[thorn] = 13;
$Spell::name[13] = "Thorn";
$Spell::description[13] = "Casts thorn.";
$Spell::delay[13] = 0.1;
$Spell::recoveryTime[13] = 1.5;
$Spell::radius[13] = 6;
$Spell::damageValue[13] = "20";
$Spell::LOSrange[13] = 80;
$Spell::manaCost[13] = 1;
$Spell::startSound[13] = ActivateFK;
$Spell::endSound[13] = DeflectAS;
$Spell::groupListCheck[13] = False;
$Spell::refVal[13] = 20;
$Spell::graceDistance[13] = 5;
$SkillType[thorn] = $SkillOffensiveCasting;

$Spell::keyword[14] = "fireball";
$Spell::index[fireball] = 14;
$Spell::name[14] = "Fireball";
$Spell::description[14] = "Casts a fireball.";
$Spell::delay[14] = 1;
$Spell::recoveryTime[14] = 1.5;
$Spell::radius[14] = 8;
$Spell::damageValue[14] = "35";
$Spell::LOSrange[14] = 80;
$Spell::manaCost[14] = 3;
$Spell::startSound[14] = ActivateAB;
$Spell::endSound[14] = LaunchFB;
$Spell::groupListCheck[14] = False;
$Spell::refVal[14] = 35;
$Spell::graceDistance[14] = 2;
$SkillType[fireball] = $SkillOffensiveCasting;

$Spell::keyword[15] = "icespike";
$Spell::index[icespike] = 15;
$Spell::name[15] = "Icespike";
$Spell::description[15] = "Casts icespike.";
$Spell::delay[15] = 0.1;
$Spell::recoveryTime[15] = 1.5;
$Spell::radius[15] = 6;
$Spell::damageValue[15] = "28";
$Spell::LOSrange[15] = 80;
$Spell::manaCost[15] = 3;
$Spell::startSound[15] = ActivateFK;
$Spell::endSound[15] = HitPawnDT;
$Spell::groupListCheck[15] = False;
$Spell::refVal[15] = 28;
$Spell::graceDistance[15] = 5;
$SkillType[icespike] = $SkillOffensiveCasting;

$Spell::keyword[16] = "icestorm";
$Spell::index[icestorm] = 16;
$Spell::name[16] = "Icestorm";
$Spell::description[16] = "Casts icestorm.";
$Spell::delay[16] = 1;
$Spell::recoveryTime[16] = 2.25;
$Spell::radius[16] = 11;
$Spell::damageValue[16] = "45";
$Spell::LOSrange[16] = 80;
$Spell::manaCost[16] = 4;
$Spell::startSound[16] = ImpactTR;
$Spell::endSound[16] = Reflected;
$Spell::groupListCheck[16] = False;
$Spell::refVal[16] = 45;
$Spell::graceDistance[16] = 2;
$SkillType[icestorm] = $SkillOffensiveCasting;

$Spell::keyword[17] = "ironfist";
$Spell::index[ironfist] = 17;
$Spell::name[17] = "Ironfist";
$Spell::description[17] = "Casts ironfist.";
$Spell::delay[17] = 0.1;
$Spell::recoveryTime[17] = 13.5;
$Spell::radius[17] = 7;
$Spell::damageValue[17] = "128";
$Spell::LOSrange[17] = 80;
$Spell::manaCost[17] = 12;
$Spell::startSound[17] = UnravelAM;
$Spell::endSound[17] = NoSound;
$Spell::groupListCheck[17] = False;
$Spell::refVal[17] = 128;
$Spell::graceDistance[17] = 3;
$SkillType[ironfist] = $SkillOffensiveCasting;

$Spell::keyword[18] = "hellstorm";
$Spell::index[hellstorm] = 18;
$Spell::name[18] = "Hellstorm";
$Spell::description[18] = "Casts hellstorm.";
$Spell::delay[18] = 6;
$Spell::recoveryTime[18] = 10.5;
$Spell::radius[18] = 20;
$Spell::damageValue[18] = "265";
$Spell::LOSrange[18] = 80;
$Spell::manaCost[18] = 20;
$Spell::startSound[18] = LoopLS;
$Spell::endSound[18] = LaunchET;
$Spell::groupListCheck[18] = False;
$Spell::refVal[18] = 265;
$Spell::graceDistance[18] = 2;
$SkillType[hellstorm] = $SkillOffensiveCasting;

$Spell::keyword[19] = "dimensionrift";
$Spell::index[dimensionrift] = 19;
$Spell::name[19] = "Dimension Rift";
$Spell::description[19] = "Casts Dimension Rift.";
$Spell::delay[19] = 9.5;
$Spell::recoveryTime[19] = 11.25;
$Spell::radius[19] = 30;
$Spell::damageValue[19] = "320";
$Spell::LOSrange[19] = 80;
$Spell::manaCost[19] = 40;
$Spell::startSound[19] = LaunchLS;
$Spell::endSound[19] = Explode3FW;
$Spell::groupListCheck[19] = False;
$Spell::refVal[19] = 320;
$Spell::graceDistance[19] = 2;
$SkillType[dimensionrift] = $SkillOffensiveCasting;

$Spell::keyword[20] = "advheal3";
$Spell::index[advheal3] = 20;
$Spell::name[20] = "Heal Self Or Other (3rd)";
$Spell::description[20] = "Heals the caster or someone in the LOS.";
$Spell::delay[20] = 1.5;
$Spell::recoveryTime[20] = 4.75;
$Spell::damageValue[20] = -25;
$Spell::LOSrange[20] = 80;
$Spell::manaCost[20] = 5;
$Spell::startSound[20] = DeActivateWA;
$Spell::endSound[20] = ActivateAR;
$Spell::groupListCheck[20] = False;
$Spell::refVal[20] = -25;
$Spell::graceDistance[20] = 2;
$SkillType[advheal3] = $SkillDefensiveCasting;

$Spell::keyword[21] = "remort";
$Spell::index[remort] = 21;
$Spell::name[21] = "Remort";
$Spell::description[21] = "Remorts a level 101 character to level 1, with bonuses.";
$Spell::delay[21] = 3.0;
$Spell::recoveryTime[21] = 1;
$Spell::damageValue[21] = 0;
$Spell::manaCost[21] = 1;
$Spell::startSound[21] = RespawnA;
$Spell::endSound[21] = RespawnC;
$Spell::groupListCheck[21] = False;
$Spell::refVal[21] = 0;
$Spell::graceDistance[21] = 2;
$SkillType[remort] = $SkillNeutralCasting;

$Spell::keyword[22] = "fullheal";
$Spell::index[fullheal] = 22;
$Spell::name[22] = "Full Heal Self";
$Spell::description[22] = "Fully heals the caster.";
$Spell::delay[22] = 1.5;
$Spell::recoveryTime[22] = 60;
$Spell::damageValue[22] = 0;
$Spell::manaCost[22] = 2;
$Spell::startSound[22] = DeActivateWA;
$Spell::endSound[22] = PlaceSeal;
$Spell::groupListCheck[22] = False;
$Spell::refVal[22] = -9998;
$Spell::graceDistance[22] = 2;
$SkillType[fullheal] = $SkillDefensiveCasting;

$Spell::keyword[23] = "massheal";
$Spell::index[massheal] = 23;
$Spell::name[23] = "Mass Heal";
$Spell::description[23] = "Heals caster and friendlies 10 meters around.";
$Spell::delay[23] = 1.5;
$Spell::recoveryTime[23] = 10;
$Spell::radius[23] = 10;
$Spell::damageValue[23] = -30;
$Spell::manaCost[23] = 12;
$Spell::startSound[23] = DeActivateWA;
$Spell::endSound[23] = ActivateAR;
$Spell::groupListCheck[23] = False;
$Spell::refVal[23] = -30;
$Spell::graceDistance[23] = 2;
$SkillType[massheal] = $SkillDefensiveCasting;

$Spell::keyword[24] = "massfullheal";
$Spell::index[massfullheal] = 24;
$Spell::name[24] = "Mass Full Heal";
$Spell::description[24] = "Fully Heals caster and friendlies 12 meters around.";
$Spell::delay[24] = 1.5;
$Spell::recoveryTime[24] = 300;
$Spell::radius[24] = 12;
$Spell::damageValue[24] = 0;
$Spell::manaCost[24] = 200;
$Spell::startSound[24] = DeActivateWA;
$Spell::endSound[24] = PlaceSeal;
$Spell::groupListCheck[24] = False;
$Spell::refVal[24] = -9999;
$Spell::graceDistance[24] = 2;
$SkillType[massfullheal] = $SkillDefensiveCasting;

$Spell::keyword[25] = "shield";
$Spell::index[shield] = 25;
$Spell::name[25] = "Shield Self";
$Spell::description[25] = "A magical shield adds 50 DEF to the caster.";
$Spell::delay[25] = 2.0;
$Spell::recoveryTime[25] = 8;
$Spell::damageValue[25] = "DEF 50";
$Spell::ticks[25] = 150;   //5 minutes
$Spell::manaCost[25] = 5;
$Spell::startSound[25] = ActivateTR;
$Spell::endSound[25] = ActivateTD;
$Spell::groupListCheck[25] = False;
$Spell::refVal[25] = -10;
$Spell::graceDistance[25] = 2;
$SkillType[shield] = $SkillDefensiveCasting;

$Spell::keyword[26] = "advshield1";
$Spell::index[advshield1] = 26;
$Spell::name[26] = "Shield Self Or Other (1st)";
$Spell::description[26] = "A magical shield that adds 80 DEF to the caster or target in LOS.";
$Spell::delay[26] = 2.0;
$Spell::recoveryTime[26] = 10;
$Spell::damageValue[26] = "DEF 80";
$Spell::ticks[26] = 165;   //5:30 minutes
$Spell::LOSrange[26] = 80;
$Spell::manaCost[26] = 8;
$Spell::startSound[26] = ActivateTR;
$Spell::endSound[26] = ActivateTD;
$Spell::groupListCheck[26] = False;
$Spell::refVal[26] = -11;
$Spell::graceDistance[26] = 2;
$SkillType[advshield1] = $SkillDefensiveCasting;

$Spell::keyword[27] = "advshield2";
$Spell::index[advshield2] = 27;
$Spell::name[27] = "Shield Self Or Other (2nd)";
$Spell::description[27] = "A magical shield that adds 70 DEF and 50 MDEF to the caster or target in LOS.";
$Spell::delay[27] = 2.0;
$Spell::recoveryTime[27] = 12;
$Spell::damageValue[27] = "DEF 70 MDEF 50";
$Spell::ticks[27] = 190;   //6:20 minutes
$Spell::LOSrange[27] = 80;
$Spell::manaCost[27] = 15;
$Spell::startSound[27] = ActivateTR;
$Spell::endSound[27] = ActivateTD;
$Spell::groupListCheck[27] = False;
$Spell::refVal[27] = -12;
$Spell::graceDistance[27] = 2;
$SkillType[advshield2] = $SkillDefensiveCasting;

$Spell::keyword[28] = "advshield3";
$Spell::index[advshield3] = 28;
$Spell::name[28] = "Shield Self Or Other (3rd)";
$Spell::description[28] = "A magical shield that adds 120 DEF and 80 MDEF to the caster or target in LOS.";
$Spell::delay[28] = 2.0;
$Spell::recoveryTime[28] = 14;
$Spell::damageValue[28] = "DEF 120 MDEF 80";
$Spell::ticks[28] = 218;   //7:16 minutes
$Spell::LOSrange[28] = 80;
$Spell::manaCost[28] = 18;
$Spell::startSound[28] = ActivateTR;
$Spell::endSound[28] = ActivateTD;
$Spell::groupListCheck[28] = False;
$Spell::refVal[28] = -13;
$Spell::graceDistance[28] = 2;
$SkillType[advshield3] = $SkillDefensiveCasting;

$Spell::keyword[29] = "advshield4";
$Spell::index[advshield4] = 29;
$Spell::name[29] = "Shield Self Or Other (4th)";
$Spell::description[29] = "A magical shield that adds 170 MDEF to the caster or target in LOS.";
$Spell::delay[29] = 2.0;
$Spell::recoveryTime[29] = 16;
$Spell::damageValue[29] = "MDEF 170";
$Spell::ticks[29] = 255;   //8:30 minutes
$Spell::LOSrange[29] = 80;
$Spell::manaCost[29] = 22;
$Spell::startSound[29] = ActivateTR;
$Spell::endSound[29] = ActivateTD;
$Spell::groupListCheck[29] = False;
$Spell::refVal[29] = -14;
$Spell::graceDistance[29] = 2;
$SkillType[advshield4] = $SkillDefensiveCasting;

$Spell::keyword[30] = "advshield5";
$Spell::index[advshield5] = 30;
$Spell::name[30] = "Shield Self Or Other (5th)";
$Spell::description[30] = "A magical shield that adds 150 DEF and 210 MDEF to the caster or target in LOS.";
$Spell::delay[30] = 2.0;
$Spell::recoveryTime[30] = 20;
$Spell::damageValue[30] = "DEF 150 MDEF 210";
$Spell::ticks[30] = 300;   //10 minutes
$Spell::LOSrange[30] = 80;
$Spell::manaCost[30] = 25;
$Spell::startSound[30] = ActivateTR;
$Spell::endSound[30] = ActivateTD;
$Spell::groupListCheck[30] = False;
$Spell::refVal[30] = -15;
$Spell::graceDistance[30] = 2;
$SkillType[advshield5] = $SkillDefensiveCasting;

$Spell::keyword[31] = "massshield";
$Spell::index[massshield] = 31;
$Spell::name[31] = "Mass Shield";
$Spell::description[31] = "A magical shield that adds 115 DEF and 105 MDEF to all friendlies within a 10 meter radius.";
$Spell::delay[31] = 2.0;
$Spell::recoveryTime[31] = 30;
$Spell::radius[31] = 10;
$Spell::damageValue[31] = "DEF 115 MDEF 105";
$Spell::ticks[31] = 270;   //9 minutes
$Spell::manaCost[31] = 20;
$Spell::startSound[31] = ActivateTR;
$Spell::endSound[31] = ActivateTD;
$Spell::groupListCheck[31] = False;
$Spell::refVal[31] = -16;
$Spell::graceDistance[31] = 2;
$SkillType[massshield] = $SkillDefensiveCasting;

$Spell::keyword[32] = "mimic";
$Spell::index[mimic] = 32;
$Spell::name[32] = "Mimic";
$Spell::description[32] = "A very dangerous spell that transforms the caster into the creature in his/her LOS.";
$Spell::delay[32] = 4.0;
$Spell::recoveryTime[32] = 60;
$Spell::LOSrange[32] = 80;
$Spell::damageValue[32] = 0;
$Spell::manaCost[32] = 80;
$Spell::startSound[32] = LoopSP;
$Spell::endSound[32] = AbsorbABS;
$Spell::groupListCheck[32] = False;
$Spell::refVal[32] = 1;
$Spell::graceDistance[32] = 2;
$SkillType[mimic] = $SkillNeutralCasting;

$Spell::keyword[33] = "masstransport";
$Spell::index[masstransport] = 33;
$Spell::name[33] = "Mass Transport";
$Spell::description[33] = "Transports self and all friendlies within a 6 meter radius to a specific zone.";
$Spell::delay[33] = 4.0;
$Spell::recoveryTime[33] = 45;
$Spell::radius[33] = 6;
$Spell::manaCost[33] = 50;
$Spell::startSound[33] = RespawnB;
$Spell::endSound[33] = ActivateCH;
$Spell::groupListCheck[33] = False;
$Spell::refVal[33] = 0;
$Spell::graceDistance[33] = 2;
$SkillType[masstransport] = $SkillNeutralCasting;

$Spell::keyword[34] = "advheal4";
$Spell::index[advheal4] = 34;
$Spell::name[34] = "Heal Self Or Other (4th)";
$Spell::description[34] = "Heals the caster or someone in the LOS.";
$Spell::delay[34] = 1.5;
$Spell::recoveryTime[34] = 5.0;
$Spell::damageValue[34] = -35;
$Spell::LOSrange[34] = 80;
$Spell::manaCost[34] = 6;
$Spell::startSound[34] = DeActivateWA;
$Spell::endSound[34] = ActivateAR;
$Spell::groupListCheck[34] = False;
$Spell::refVal[34] = -35;
$Spell::graceDistance[34] = 2;
$SkillType[advheal4] = $SkillDefensiveCasting;

$Spell::keyword[35] = "advheal5";
$Spell::index[advheal5] = 35;
$Spell::name[35] = "Heal Self Or Other (5th)";
$Spell::description[35] = "Heals the caster or someone in the LOS.";
$Spell::delay[35] = 1.5;
$Spell::recoveryTime[35] = 5.5;
$Spell::damageValue[35] = -50;
$Spell::LOSrange[35] = 80;
$Spell::manaCost[35] = 7;
$Spell::startSound[35] = DeActivateWA;
$Spell::endSound[35] = ActivateAR;
$Spell::groupListCheck[35] = False;
$Spell::refVal[35] = -50;
$Spell::graceDistance[35] = 2;
$SkillType[advheal5] = $SkillDefensiveCasting;

$Spell::keyword[36] = "advheal6";
$Spell::index[advheal6] = 36;
$Spell::name[36] = "Heal Self Or Other (6th)";
$Spell::description[36] = "Heals the caster or someone in the LOS.";
$Spell::delay[36] = 1.5;
$Spell::recoveryTime[36] = 6.0;
$Spell::damageValue[36] = -60;
$Spell::LOSrange[36] = 80;
$Spell::manaCost[36] = 8;
$Spell::startSound[36] = DeActivateWA;
$Spell::endSound[36] = ActivateAR;
$Spell::groupListCheck[36] = False;
$Spell::refVal[36] = -60;
$Spell::graceDistance[36] = 2;
$SkillType[advheal6] = $SkillDefensiveCasting;
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969 06:00 pm CST by eViL »
Quote from: "LastWish || NextWish"
eViL, you were probably the coolest but most misunderstood person in this community.. maybe the rest will find out how cool of a person you are some day, and don't get too mad at the people who dont understand you.. its their loss in the end.


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« Reply #6 on: April 24, 2003 12:27 am CDT »
// Divine Magic
$SkillRestriction[LightningShield] = $SkillDivineCasting @ " 700 " @ $MinAdmin @ " 2";
$SkillRestriction[divinefury] = $SkillDivineCasting @ " 800";
$SkillRestriction[kamikazi] = $SkillDivineCasting @ " 940";
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969 06:00 pm CST by Particle »
As a point of history:  Our last server clear was on September 27, 2004.  That is 4963 days ago (13.6 years) as of today.

If you're visiting after a long hiatus and have forgotten your password, try emailing me via the support form at

If your character is from after the 2004 clear but appears to have been deleted or reset, chances are it was caught in one of the inactive account purges over the years.  Backups were made before such events, so try the support form.


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« Reply #7 on: April 28, 2003 04:55 pm CDT »
anyone here know while its on subject how to put PKPalaces spells in deus packs quick cast menu and off cast menu and all that stuff.
ive tried but it didnt work heh i was able to add the gems to deus no prob but jus those other pesky things for newbie scripters
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969 06:00 pm CST by newchamealeon »
worms high score: 1719


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« Reply #8 on: April 28, 2003 05:16 pm CDT »
That wasn't needed evil.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969 06:00 pm CST by UnderGod »
"The right man in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world"


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« Reply #9 on: April 28, 2003 06:03 pm CDT »
oh well, now he has all the info on the spells that he could hope for =)
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969 06:00 pm CST by eViL »
Quote from: "LastWish || NextWish"
eViL, you were probably the coolest but most misunderstood person in this community.. maybe the rest will find out how cool of a person you are some day, and don't get too mad at the people who dont understand you.. its their loss in the end.


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« Reply #10 on: April 29, 2003 05:03 pm CDT »
lol i wouldve done the same thing if i found my damn list :)
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969 06:00 pm CST by Resident_Evil »
Semper Fi,
Who dares, Wins


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« Reply #11 on: April 30, 2003 01:11 pm CDT »
spells.cs from scripts.vol in the tribes\rpg folder

i am in the process of redownloading tribes... grrrr   :?  :?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969 06:00 pm CST by Vorter_X_ »


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« Reply #12 on: April 30, 2003 05:31 pm CDT »
This forum isn't for conversation.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969 06:00 pm CST by Particle »
As a point of history:  Our last server clear was on September 27, 2004.  That is 4963 days ago (13.6 years) as of today.

If you're visiting after a long hiatus and have forgotten your password, try emailing me via the support form at

If your character is from after the 2004 clear but appears to have been deleted or reset, chances are it was caught in one of the inactive account purges over the years.  Backups were made before such events, so try the support form.