With all the evil doing that has gone on in the server. I think it's come time to confess your PC-TRPG sins...
I shove killed noobs, alot... I stole alot... I killed for rank alot...
I would follow noobs around and wait for them to get into the caves, then shove them to their deaths. I would always try to shove people off of the den. I've been hunted and been the hunter, even with the same people. I've killed the same person over a dozen times in the same week.
I would steal from just about anyone I could. If they were low level noobs with junk, I'd give back their crap. But anyone with an ancients, clay, or anything that could be sold good, I would steal.
I had caught numerous and I mean numerous people Power ranking, if I liked them, I didn't say anything. And depending on who they were, they shifted 4-10 rank my way, as I was always in an auto swing. The keldrin teleport house upstairs would a hotspot. I'd find someone in there once a week power ranking.
Damn I couldn't even tell what else... I was double-tented, shoved out-ta, lost 160 lck afk training one night when I was sleeping. I was between the houses and the wall in keldrin. (damn was firewire or someone back then lols, was funny though, only lost 2 rank, didn't care about my lck... Said it took him and his borther? hours to plant get me outta there)
I wasn't much for using the log in tent bug. But I was a line breaking master... I made games crash left and right.. sometimes accidently forced it to global? I even received a script to for it so I didn't have to retype it. I think celtic or hmm g-unit or someone was the last one I used it on. Of course it was simple to avoid, but you're not ready for it always... It had been removed and jailed anyone trying to use it. I found that hilarous when g-unit(or whoever it was that I used it on, tried to get me back 3 days later?) and was jailed.
Casting on towns while hidden as a different race... was great.
This is 98% prior to the clear uh 4 years ago? Many rules have been in placed since then and alot of rules were not enforced much back then. I also liked to consider myself one of the more innocent ones.