You think I am the one needing help? Ha, good luck with that Mr cries to Arf all day! Have fun living with your mom bud. Pretty sure I rarely play this game at all right now because I have a real life, with a job, school and a girl. But nice try man, maybe get out of your mom's basement, and please try and get a new "comeback" since all of the other things you have said I directed to you first, and they may be true for you. But I can garuntee you they are not for me. You are probably really overweight from the time you are logged on to PCRPG and the forums. You are the one who needs to get a life and stop crying when something happens, it is a 10 year old computer game get over it pal. Alteast go play something new and cry over that, that would be better than crying over TRIBES. Your bad, go shoot yourself, you will be doing us all a favour