Blah Dar has pissed me off with his non-intelligent posts about different things. Firstly:
"Posted by: Darwin Posted on: Jan 2nd, 2003, 6:16pm
Yeah, but 150 inches!
Last night I hosted a TRPG map while having my laptop hooked up to my 27" TV. And let me tell you, the swords looked so much more hi-res. There were no jaggies or anything. Unfortunately, text was barely readable, but the gameplay with astounding. It seems like I also get a higher framerate on UT2K3 with my TV instead of my laptop screen."
Umm, can everyone say "duh" at once please. Especially since laptop video cards are -malarkey- *hit*
And for someone that calls people "pro-consumer", your parents seem to have plenty of money:
"Last year I started the pocket pc trend at my school. This year, notebook mania."