Recently I've become more interested in making my Camry a little more unique. I'm not in the market for anything major just yet, considering 1) It's an old car, 2) I have no money, and 3) I have very little experience with cars. Still, I'm not against seeing what others have done and pulling some ideas off of that. Really though, my ideal customized car would be absolutely unique, down to the engine. My dream (which will most likely stay a dream unless I happen upon a lot of money) is to completely modify my Camry to the point where it really only looks like a Camry on the outside, but is a totally different car inside. Electric Hybrid engine, interior console modifications, on-board computer not unlike the Prius (only more advanced, essentially becoming a PC inside the car), and other things like that...After I get my engineering degree(s).
...Like I said, it'll probably only stay a dream. Still, what sort of modifications have you all made to your rides, be them small and minor or superbly major? Pics if you have them.