... where does it say the word hell in the bible? where does it say you'll be sent to hell and live in a fiery burning place for the rest of eternity?
There is no such thing as a fiery burning place that you spend the rest of your life in.. There is however Lucifer. There is the non believers being sent to the plane where he rests after being banished from heaven.
the moses story you butchered horribly. not all the people who made the golden calf were killed.. moses trusted friend aaron was the person who led the making of it, and he later on escorted the israelites into the land of the canaanites
You are right, his friends weren't because they didn't worship the statue on their own will.. They were forced to. And the ones who didn't die changed sides right before..
The fact still stands.. The non believers were killed.
ever read the koran? how do you know what they put in there
Yes I have read the koran. it doesn't provoke violence.
and how can you say science is too strong? science hasnt done too much to save human lives. we still grow old, we still die. science isnt going to bring about a better tomorrow at least not as long as im alive.
Science has shown more proof than any religious literature has about our very existance. And yes.. If it wasn't for science, many more lives would be getting killed every day by infectious diseases that we have stopped.
However, there may just be a cure for cancer and a cure for aids.
THink about it.. If there was, would they release it to the public? Our economy is falling very rapidly. And there are too many people in this country to begin with.. It is hard ot say this, but if we didn'thave the death rate that we do, we would go bankrupt from over population.
Now.. what about dinosaurs never being existant? What about the religions that were before christianity? Like the egyptions? the persians? Greeks?
And how would we "know" that there is a "god" that truly exists? If he made an appearance before, he would surely do it again..
God told Moses to free the jews.. Did God tell the USA to free them from Hitler?
Why is the world so corrupt if there is a supreme being who is all powerful?
There never was anything in the BIble that I remember that explains a corrupt world.. That is because the world wasn't allways corrupt like now.
Look at the literature from other religions.. It ALL and I mean ALL follows the same path.. All it is, is a book of morality. THe way for everyone to just get along..
But because they are told a little bit different in each religion.. no one ever does follow those rules, do they?
I am not saying that it is wrong to believe in God, Buddah, Allah, Zeus or whoever else you want to.
I am just stating the fact, that I can't believe something unless I am shown proof that it exists.
It is like me telling you there is a living forest of trees that are imbuned with gold..