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Custom Rides
« on: May 18, 2009 02:08 am CDT »
Recently I've become more interested in making my Camry a little more unique. I'm not in the market for anything major just yet, considering 1) It's an old car, 2) I have no money, and 3) I have very little experience with cars. Still, I'm not against seeing what others have done and pulling some ideas off of that. Really though, my ideal customized car would be absolutely unique, down to the engine. My dream (which will most likely stay a dream unless I happen upon a lot of money) is to completely modify my Camry to the point where it really only looks like a Camry on the outside, but is a totally different car inside. Electric Hybrid engine, interior console modifications, on-board computer not unlike the Prius (only more advanced, essentially becoming a PC inside the car), and other things like that...After I get my engineering degree(s).

...Like I said, it'll probably only stay a dream. Still, what sort of modifications have you all made to your rides, be them small and minor or superbly major? Pics if you have them.

Lidge Farkley

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Re: Custom Rides
« Reply #1 on: May 18, 2009 04:55 am CDT »
Yeah... it's all BS man.

If you want a unique vehicle, learn to weld and build yourself an electric motorcycle or motor-trike.

Otherwise, you're just buying all the same malarkey as everyone else.

But, to be fair, my sentiment is based on seeing friends sink a bunch of mods into vehicles and losing money on a wreck, on worse fuel efficiency and typical "unique" stuff.

You want unique... learn and build yourself from scratch.
Better yet, make it energy efficient and not ugly as hell.

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Re: Custom Rides
« Reply #2 on: May 18, 2009 08:51 am CDT »
even if you have an old car. a decent stereo system is always nice. replace your regular speakers with nicer ones and put an amp on it. subs are optional and if you arent crazy about bass, go with 10"

Lidge Farkley

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Re: Custom Rides
« Reply #3 on: May 18, 2009 02:11 pm CDT »
Villman has a good point there... decent speakers and a decent sound system are worth the money... but don't spend too much and don't show it off too much either... my brother and his friends have gotten plenty of stereos jacked from their cars to know better these days.

Jeeze... I look cranky in that other post... rough night, I guess.
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Re: Custom Rides
« Reply #4 on: May 18, 2009 08:31 pm CDT »
Yeah... it's all BS man.

If you want a unique vehicle, learn to weld and build yourself an electric motorcycle or motor-trike.

Otherwise, you're just buying all the same malarkey as everyone else.

But, to be fair, my sentiment is based on seeing friends sink a bunch of mods into vehicles and losing money on a wreck, on worse fuel efficiency and typical "unique" stuff.

You want unique... learn and build yourself from scratch.
Better yet, make it energy efficient and not ugly as hell.

That's mostly what I have in mind really. First and foremost I want a car that is extremely efficient without losing much power (not that a 4 cyl. has much power to begin with, but you get my point).

I think what I want is a sleeper....a car that looks normal on the outside, but is completely unique inside (a la KITT on knight rider; no, I don't want to turbo boost over the fallen truck in the road, but I would like some cool gadgets :P)


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Re: Custom Rides
« Reply #5 on: May 19, 2009 10:09 pm CDT »
Camry power!  I've got a 1994 white 2-door Camry SE myself.  :)  Good stuff.  Like you, I'd enjoy customizing it a little.  If you hear any info on doing the brakes, let me know.  That's where I'd like to begin.
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Re: Custom Rides
« Reply #6 on: May 19, 2009 11:55 pm CDT »
Behold the power of electric:

I want my Camry to do that. THEN I'll worry about the brakes :P


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Re: Custom Rides
« Reply #7 on: May 20, 2009 12:46 am CDT »
Mod the seats to recline fully and install a pico projector between them to project movies/internet onto the inside of the roof.

Also, you could mount a few mini cameras around the car so when you're fully reclined (and with your dark tinted windows) no one can see you, but you can see out by observing your cameras which are feeding into the projector. It's a perfect surveillance vehicle. If your cameras were good enough, you could technically even drive around like that....though you'd have to see your local police station concerning laws pertaining to driving via camera. How kickass would that be, though?


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Re: Custom Rides
« Reply #8 on: May 24, 2009 09:44 pm CDT »
Citizen's Band radio to piss off the truckers (like in Joyride). Just kidding.... but if you ever want to know what's up the road in the way of cops, road closures, etc, truckers are the first to know

Power Inverter and dual alternator/dual battery so you can bring household power outlets anywhere on the go

just two things i like to do to any car i've owned lol


  • Fat, Emo Robot
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Re: Custom Rides
« Reply #9 on: May 25, 2009 11:08 pm CDT »
That sounds awesome, but how would you hook that up to your car's electrical system?


  • Minotaur Rager
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Re: Custom Rides
« Reply #10 on: June 28, 2009 12:20 am CDT »
Camry power!  I've got a 1994 white 2-door Camry SE myself.  :)  Good stuff.  Like you, I'd enjoy customizing it a little.  If you hear any info on doing the brakes, let me know.  That's where I'd like to begin.

Woo!  95 Camry here. 

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