*edited out a link that might violate the TOS*
Also.. I'm bored and suffering insomnia, so, I'll answer your inquisition.
-I don't know why I post long drawn out boring posts.
-I did play on the server, for at least 3 years, every day. **
-The name LidgeFarkley was a side character I was working on to help new players out, just like I had with Alcoholic007; doing things like dropping Plate armor on RL 0's in the Minotaurs lair who had the Endurance for it, but didn't have the money.
-Apparently my posts aren't as forgettable as you claim. The posts appear to have incited you to some kind of 3rd grade rage/fit.
-The smiley faces are there because that's how people used to communicate that they cared, in addition to plain words, back when I got in to the RPG mod. They are strange, but I don't really know why else I use them, other than the fact that at one point, many of us did.
-Interesting that you'd think a "faggot" would not like to get his dick sucked. Most of the homosexuals I know actually prefer a good cock sucking and absolutely detest a poop packing, but I suppose your behavior prevents you from making an awful lot of friends.
-The language typed is the status quo; I respect the structure and intimacy of any language. To use a language poorly can often spread the errors in to the professional world. I greatly dislike needing to explain to University graduates why their statements make no sense or when they are all colloquialisms. I wasn't in their pop-cultural group to understand them. There is a syntax and spelling for a reason. Nobody's got it right, but I am going to try well to be as clear to the rules of a language as I can, else I am simply an other lazy ass with no respect or understanding for a language that many people use daily to communicate as accurately as they can.
I hope this, if read, has bored you further, or given some one some value of mild entertainment or revelation.
**Played as:
Alcoholic007 - RL... 7 or 13.. I can't remember where I stopped.
OneOfThe8 (8 different spellings, one for each character class; all RL 1-3)
LidgeFarkley - RL 2-3
P3ckersPants - RL 0
P3ckersHotPants (or something similar) - RL 0
MaleElfLord13 - RL 1 or 2.
Traveler13 (whatever the default spawning travelers are called, with a 13 on the end) RL 1
--A host of other random names based on the old bot system, people in the server that were here from day 1, and other random bullmalarkey.
--I was originally a UB&G player, but when the server became unstable, I probed for new ones. One day PCRPG was up when no others were, and I had not seen it before. I started playing around. After a few days, Particle told us by a global message that he had only started the server to try the mod out and had not intended to keep running it. There were about 10-15 of us that had migrated from UB&G who unsavory womaned and moaned and pleaded and yatta until he agreed to keep it up; he's a very nice guy far that.