Author Topic: Shorty/Foshizzle/Silverstein/Sparta  (Read 11706 times)

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  • Arf The Legend
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« on: June 19, 2010 10:01 pm CDT »
Too many toons to name so a broad scope ban was initiated against Shorty due to continuing violations of almost every rule listed on PCRPG.  Player history has shown that he will never abide by the rules posted.  His use of toons that do not belong to him to perpetuate continuious harrasment and disruptive behavior is indicative of his lack of respect for authority, hs refusal tocomply with posted rules as well as his refusal to comply with admin authority and commands.

the following rules were violated by shorty which led to his being banned from the server.  this is not his first ban, and since the loss of tokath and the ban initiated with tokath,  the server banhammer will be used to enforce the ban

Just to make it clear here and now, this rule set is a basic guideline for conduct on the server. It is not necessarily a “holy text” of absolute rigidity that must be followed. Bear in mind though, that as a player, YOU are expected to rigidly follow these rules. The administration on the server is not required to enforce these rules in every reported or observed case, is not required to follow the exact punishment guidelines provided, and will not be held responsible by the players for any deviance from this rule set. These are guidelines for the administration and absolute rules for the normal players.

For you as a player to gain the most (or indeed anything at all) from this document, you absolutely MUST realize the following: THIS RULES DOCUMENT IS SIMPLY AN ASSISTANT TO HELP YOU REALIZE WHAT AN ACCEPTABLE FORM OF BEHAVIOR IS. WHAT THIS ALL REALLY COMES DOWN TO IS GOOD OR NEUTRAL SPORTSMANSHIP VERSUS BAD SPORTSMANSHIP. BAD SPORTSMANSHIP WILL BE PUNISHED. As such, this document is not all-inclusive. Nor is this document set in stone so to speak.

All headings and section/subsection titles are provided purely for convenience of the reader and may not be used as a way to change the obviously implied interpretation of the following rule set.

Section 1: Etiquette, Courtesies, and General Conduct
Subsection A: General Player Conduct
Players on the server are expected to follow a basic pattern of behavior. That behavior is being nice, courteous, and respectful of the other players on the server. You are not entitled to play on the server and have no more rights than any other player on the server. You are allowed to do whatever it is that maximizes your concept of the game and of having fun, granted that it does not violate this rule set or otherwise infringe upon the other players of the server, the operation of the server, or cause any technical problems with the game itself.


Subsection B: Specific Etiquette and Courtesies
As a player on this server, you are expected to follow a code of etiquette. It is not very difficult to do, as it is really just an adaptation of common manners. Here are some things that you are specifically forbidden to do:

Violate this rule set

Willingly and purposely cause others to violate this rule set

Spam the chat with ANYTHING, no matter if you consider it useful or not

Purposely cause frustration to other players or administrators

Subsection C: Unacceptable Uses of In-Game Communications
There are many forms of communication provided in TRPG. In addition to the global channel there is a private channel, a zone channel, and even delayed messages when certain bots are present in the server. Never should you communicate any of the following types of messages, or act in the manner outlined by the following, even if a particular action is not specifically mentioned:

pornographic or sexually suggestive

hateful, derogatory, racist, or negatively stereotypical

otherwise illegal under United States law, Kansas or Texas state laws, or the laws applicable to by the government under which you are subject if you do not live in either Kansas or Texas

abusive or hurtful

The one and only exception to this section is if the receiving player has previously given you permission to send such messages. It is not my intention to block forms of communication that do not hurt others (unlike spam or arguments in the global channel) and is acceptable between two parties. Do not mistake this exception as an ability to ignore this rule.

Punishments for offenses of this type will be derived from Section 7, Subsection B with Severe Emphasis

Subsection A: Abuse of Intended Services
The game provides a service to you, allowing you to play the game known as TRPG. As with any service, you are not entitled to the use of it. You are merely allowed to use the service so long as you do not become a liability or otherwise undesirable. This will commonly be a user who is abusive to other players, attempts to gain unauthorized access to features (or bugs) in the game, or who is otherwise disruptive. Should you attempt or be successful in violating intended access levels or exploit features and/or bugs in the game, you are in violation of the terms of service for this server. This includes:




denial of service

stealing information

other unforeseen violations

Punishments for offenses of this type will be derived from Section 7, Subsection B with Severe Emphasis

Section 5: Abusive Gameplay
Subsection A: General Harassment
This subject is not easily defined due to the subjectivity of the matter involved. As previously stated, you are allowed to do whatever you like in order to pursue your own entertainment while on the server provided that it does not interfere with another player's ability to do the same, does not violate any specific rules outlined here, and especially does not involve a misuse or abuse of the server or any other related services provided. Should you be found being the instigator of a harassment incident, you will be severely punished. Do not misunderstand this rule—harassment will be decided on a per-case basis by an administrator or peacekeeper. This rule is not a generic subsection that can be invoked as revenge on another player or otherwise falsely. Doing so will be considered not only harassment of the administration but also a misuse of services provided.

Punishments for offenses of this type will be derived from Section 7, Subsection B with Severe Emphasis.

The player known as shorty has been banned for actions and behaviors detrimental to the server and its community.  No further review is warranted or required due to the extensive number of violations committed in the past.  
« Last Edit: June 19, 2010 10:04 pm CDT by Arf »
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  • Arf The Legend
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Re: Shorty/Foshizzle/Silverstein/Sparta
« Reply #1 on: July 3, 2010 07:30 pm CDT »

#killed, #kicked, and #jailed for 14400 sec for violations of the mining rule

additional #kick due to disrespect and general decency rules violations
In Particle We Trust...

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Re: Shorty/Foshizzle/Silverstein/Sparta
« Reply #2 on: July 12, 2010 10:30 pm CDT »

Shoving player from spike

Standing in front of player to prevent mining

28800 seconds


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Re: Shorty/Foshizzle/Silverstein/Sparta
« Reply #3 on: December 6, 2010 10:57 pm CST »





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Re: Shorty/Foshizzle/Silverstein/Sparta
« Reply #4 on: December 7, 2010 08:54 pm CST »




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Re: Shorty/Foshizzle/Silverstein/Sparta
« Reply #5 on: December 12, 2010 03:43 pm CST »

Wanted money not to shove people off the spike.  Zone hoarding.


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Re: Shorty/Foshizzle/Silverstein/Sparta
« Reply #6 on: December 14, 2010 04:52 pm CST »
posted for JuVeNiLe


zone hoarding



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Re: Shorty/Foshizzle/Silverstein/Sparta
« Reply #7 on: December 18, 2010 09:30 pm CST »




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Re: Shorty/Foshizzle/Silverstein/Sparta
« Reply #8 on: December 23, 2010 10:49 am CST »

watched him mimic an uber and repeatedly bash Riddle_ out of Cavern. And stop him from coming back in to lvl.




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Re: Shorty/Foshizzle/Silverstein/Sparta
« Reply #9 on: December 29, 2010 01:50 am CST »

Mimic killing B2, B3 and myself.... Then drop to avoid jail time


Shorty knows the rules.... So a more severe sentence


  • PCRPG Peacekeepers
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Re: Shorty/Foshizzle/Silverstein/Sparta
« Reply #10 on: December 31, 2010 05:36 pm CST »

Zone blocking/hoarding... Threatening a member... Getting out of jail
