There are many things we players have wanted over the years. the fact is, Part and admins have lives of their own. We cant expect them to let their lives, jobs and families go just to help us out in a GAME.
Would the server be more active and benefit from "more active" admins? Yes, most definitely. Can we reasonably expect it? No, not if they have to choose between a game and their lives.
The same can be said of the PK positions of course. Sure we can say appoint more pks but with the low server population we have we cant have everyone being a pk or admin we would have no actual "players".
We are damn lucky, Part is even bothering to keep the server up at all. Sure, you will have asshats who will go out of their way to try to ruin the fun of others in an attempt o close the server down by chasing away all of the players. There is a screenshot of someone working on just that in this very thread but you need to learn to work around them. Hell, no one on the server past or present has had as hard a time as I have in terms of being harassed, mugged, and killed butI stuck through it without ever having to break the rules or cheating so it CAN be done.
Watch for when admins do come on, watch for updates and take advantage of both when you get the chance in terms of quests and such.
You may not have arf's e-mail and such but I am sure he has made in IM information available to all of us so that we can contact him in case of an "emergency. The same goes for Part and there is of course, the forum. If you dont want a lot of drama, use the pm function here.