Author Topic: why she lives there?  (Read 23942 times)

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Re: why she lives there?
« Reply #15 on: November 12, 2011 11:35 am CST »
Even with that direction, it is far too easy to miss her because if you are even a foot off to right, left up or down you still miss her. Of course, making her trackable  would help people in finding her and might even encourage people to use more aspects of the server in terms of expanding thier abilities.
Even though I know it will never be done, no one can honestly say that it would hurt the server in any way but it can honestly and reasonably be argued that it would help.
If you can't find Mithrandir, you probably shouldn't even be trying to in the first place; because you either can't afford it or it's just a waste or money for you(low RL.)
"If you dont like it, go play kirby air ride."


  • Gnoll Fighter
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Re: why she lives there?
« Reply #16 on: November 12, 2011 11:55 am CST »
Not saying that tracking wouldn't be a fine addition to her but your statement doesn't really make sense.

Even with that direction, it is far too easy to miss her because if you are even a foot off to right, left up or down you still miss her.

When you are flying you can spin around in any direction you want to take a look around. You can also change direction of your flight in any direction you wish. If you start from exactly where it says in the first picture I posted and turn around and fly backwards (going 100% west) keeping even remotely level with the terrain, you will end up a little bit below the house. The house is backdropped with yellow/red sky if you stay completely level so its no hard to spot. Anyone who wants to dust should just practice your flight skills a little before attempting.


  • Orc Thrasher
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Re: why she lives there?
« Reply #17 on: March 31, 2012 10:05 am CDT »
I never run out of energy not a problem for me :) +INF


  • Undead Hero
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Re: why she lives there?
« Reply #18 on: April 18, 2012 04:27 am CDT »
You know the dust quest is a huge.drug.reference and one of many in the game...   you unsuspecting cocaine traffickers l
They used to call me Shorty, now they call me herpes, i keep coming back.


  • Gnoll Fighter
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Re: why she lives there?
« Reply #19 on: April 20, 2012 03:58 pm CDT »
I always wanted to add a "Drug Dealing" skill to the game. You would be able to sell to bots and everything...