I handled most problems pretty simply by just resetting. I would check if I'm hitting the mobs or not by resetting the counter every time I got a "you hit x for x damage message". If the message wasn't seen for more than 60 seconds then I decided I was no longer close enough to get exp and would reset. Missing them was also acceptable, as long as I'm in the room with the mobs, I would level up eventually. Other than that, if anything went wrong I would reset. I did this by teleporting back to the entrance and walking again.
If I was bashed, I would start attempting recalling. Once recalled (It would always happen eventually, and usually quickly) I would teleport back and start killing again.
Since there are 4 possible spawn points for tenebrous cavern, I made 4 routes that met up just inside the cave. Then had 1 route that got me into the part of the zone that the mobs were at. I checked position using #trackpack and would place a pack in a spot I couldn't be shoved to. This was the only thing I had to do manually. Set the pack, face north east and let er go.
There were a handful of other fixes I had to implement along the way. Being overweight, I'd drop coins at storage. If I had too much weight I would drop anything not necessary in my inventory.
If you have any specific questions about it I'll check back here every so often. Or hit me up on discord Ty#2296