Got a funny CS story? Post it here!
Alright, today while playing CS, it was just a 3vs3 game. We decided on pistols only, and followed that rule for a good while.
Server traffic picked up as more people arrived. We were all playing nicely with pistols when 2 guys from a clan came on.
I asked that they used pistols. One of them responded:
Are you admin?
Then dont make the rules, F*cker.
He purchased a colt, and began to mow down T's. I got pissed knifed him in the back of the head. He slayed me (he wasnt admin. on that server you can choose to slap, slay, or forgive your TKer).
He still continued to buy colts, and I continued to headshot him (I was obviously better, we both had guns aimed at each other, and I still won at the beginning of the round) and he shouted on the server:
Nobody voted against me.
The admin came on, and the little boi began to b!tch to him. The admin's reply:
Shut the fazzlewick up...