You can have this weapon.
$AccessoryVar[LazyNewbie, $AccessoryType] = $PolearmAccessoryType;
$AccessoryVar[LazyNewbie, $SpecialVar] = "6 290";
$AccessoryVar[LazyNewbie, $Weight] = 12;
$AccessoryVar[LazyNewbie, $MiscInfo] = "Newbie is too lazy to create his own weapons";
$SkillType[LazyNewbie] = $SkillPiercing;
$SkillRestriction[LazyNewbie] = $SkillPiercing @ " 900";
$HardcodedItemCost[LazyNewbie] = 2000000;
// LazyNewbie
ItemImageData LazyNewbieImage
shapeFile = "trident";
mountPoint = 0;
weaponType = 0; // Single Shot
reloadTime = 0;
fireTime = GetDelay(LazyNewbie);
minEnergy = 0;
maxEnergy = 0;
accuFire = true;
sfxFire = SoundSwing7;
sfxActivate = AxeSlash2;
ItemData LazyNewbie
heading = "bWeapons";
description = "LazyNewbie";
className = "Weapon";
shapeFile = "trident";
hudIcon = "trident";
shadowDetailMask = 4;
imageType = LazyNewbieImage;
price = 0;
showWeaponBar = true;
function LazyNewbieImage::onFire(%player, %slot)
MeleeAttack(%player, GetRange(LazyNewbie), LazyNewbie);