I've noticed as of lates the breaking of rules, PKing, mugging, Fast swinging, and pointy sticks, and the answer is really quite simple. More admins, ie people who are on alot, or the admins we do have need to be on more often. I mean, you get people like Chexmix who tries to be all big and badass with his 3 free remort levels, and have GE put him back in his place, its getting rather annoying. its a simple answer. And another thing. People have been complaining that LastWish's quests are too easy, and I heard the other day that she can't do any good quests without an "if" or something like that, and that only a level 4 admin can do that. Well, if voting for a promotion is allowed, then I say Last should get to level 4 so we CAN do all those neat quests, like treasure hunts and what have you. But anyway, now that I've spilt my guts, I'm done.