lol! Bice... it's all a bunch of stuff I made up one afternoon and got Hersh to be my sales rep, pecker my approver, remote-control my tester, and who the hell knows who else to whatever else I did with that crazy line of TOPAZ products. :-)
As for the pants... I never hear the mandy-pants before this thread! I used to say "Hey Pecker, nice pants!" Every time I saw Pecker on UBG :-)
ANyhow... it was as it goes:
"remote-control tested, Pecker approved!"
"TOPAZ and TOPAZ accessories. A Family Affair." (I think that was the other slogan... though I think affair might be Accord or Conglamerant, err... something crazy.
The products I remember:
#1 Thyne book to which you owe your soul n' salvation:
The TOPAZ Testament!
(I would spout off random old-syle-talk-esque rambling about the TOPAZ comming and saving us, giving us food when we were without, making the trees grow strong, etc...)
Home Toiletries Line:
Tissue paper, Soap, Womens Hygenics, Toothpaste, Toothbrush, Towels, After Shave... and who else knows what else?
Backyard accessories:
Barbecue, charcoal, meat-sauce, who knows what else....
Contraceptive Products:
TOPAZ Condoms, Topaz spermicidal lubricant (pecker's idea... ;-D), Topaz birth control pills, on and on it went... Topaz Sponge... anything contraceptive you can think of, but made with genuine TOPAZ.
Some Camping supplies;
Topaz brand Tent, Topaz Camp stool, Topaz portable campfire, etc...
Everything was preceeded with the word TOPAZ, and when you were to ope thy lips er type thine holy TOPAZ, always ye shall bow thy head in praise o' der wonder. blah blah blah! ! !
Too bad I cannot remember it all. It was great stuff!
Now YOU TOO can combine your TOPAZ and non-TOPAZ accessories with the divine are of TOPAZ SMITHAGE! ! !
//no limited time, just the following of the teachings in thyne holy book: The TOPAZ Testament!
yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah!
I neeeed sleep.
Oh yeah..
Hersh: Store frontman who sold the wares as my primary dealer.
remote-control: tested everything... we mean everything for taste, texture, and TOPAZ quality.
Pecker: Approved the products after testing if they were worthy.... which they all were beccause they were made of the Devine TOPAZ.
Me... I ran the whole family. ;-) Orriginally I came up with all the primary good; barbecue (habachi), tent, campfire, condoms, toothpaste, tissue paper, pretty much the whole contraceptive line except the spemicide-lube, etc... then remote and pecker hatched the spermicidal lube idea, and hersh built on that with the after shave and some other obscured items I can't remember any more. It was a good time... and it actually got people in UBG collecting TOPAZ because they all thought there was some update that was going to include all our crazy crap (though I never said anything of an update... they just kind of started hoping I guess.)
In any case, I had collected more than 700 TOPAZ from Orc's alone in a matter of 3 days, and when I saved and logged off that was the last I was on the server :-p Nobody would character transfer 700 TOPAZ to an other server though. THey all said "TOPAZ??? those are so useless!"
ANyhow... there's more to this story but I am forgetting the details. Sleep time.