Author Topic: Thief Particle Please look.  (Read 24092 times)

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« Reply #15 on: April 11, 2004 09:55 pm CDT »
Heh, I remember playing just as much as you folks, yet I was only about RLv25 before the clear. I hated leveling.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969 06:00 pm CST by Silvanoshei »

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« Reply #16 on: April 11, 2004 09:58 pm CDT »
leveling does suck, but if you have someone to do it with it isn't so bad.  but once you get to a high lvl god you need to be able to just play around... and Jonah and I use to have some entertaining flogging matches :P.. as did Vorter and I up by the crypt.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969 06:00 pm CST by -eViL- »
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« Reply #17 on: April 11, 2004 10:01 pm CDT »
Heh, I remember joining in those matches. Things are different with only a few thousand HP. "Wee!" Six LCK gone. Damn.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969 06:00 pm CST by Silvanoshei »

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« Reply #18 on: April 11, 2004 10:06 pm CDT »
lmao, it was still fun though silv.  besides... i usually used a cracked club and aimed for the nice wall so you would just go straight through :P
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969 06:00 pm CST by -eViL- »
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« Reply #19 on: April 25, 2004 11:04 pm CDT »
I used to police the server on abbadon.... till it got hacked lol
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969 06:00 pm CST by Scrizaks »


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« Reply #20 on: April 26, 2004 03:56 pm CDT »
Police does not equal being an asshole.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969 06:00 pm CST by Hollywood »


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« Reply #21 on: April 26, 2004 04:22 pm CDT »
Give everyone there characters before the clear. Delete all the new ones, half of the server quits. All the oldbies are back. No complaining. IP ban every non-oldbie on the forum. Put in the old exp system, and wow. That would be great.  :lol: Just like good times. I mean do you notice how the complaining rate has gone off the charts now? Half of the people on the forums didn't play before the clear. When it was just all of us, I don't recall too many threads about: "OMG I WAS KILLED HERES SS's1/1shift!!1"
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969 06:00 pm CST by BlAcK-IcE »


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« Reply #22 on: May 19, 2004 01:49 pm CDT »
Justice, you know nothing about justice. Nothing personal to any admin or pk out there. but evin your attenion is tainted. Try to find out where are these gd coins are comming from. delete the toss around characters (if you didnt create it, it is not yours). If you know who the hacker is tie up all of his/her characters and lock them in a dungon. If a thief is steeling within the rules, suck it up. I dont think that there is one person not guilty of flexing there might on the weak. More admins, why so you can cry to more ppl for stuff or sp or exp. Maybe you should restrain yourself a bit.

Sorry had to rant.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969 06:00 pm CST by GreyWolf »


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« Reply #23 on: May 19, 2004 01:57 pm CDT »
i believe just sticking some of the oldbies back in the server would fix the problems.  :)
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969 06:00 pm CST by -eViL- »
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« Reply #24 on: May 20, 2004 10:20 am CDT »
Quote from: "Kendril"
Good plan--Send in the Navy Seal (-eVil-)

i like this idea :-D
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969 06:00 pm CST by Trien »
So do all who see such times, but its not up for them to decide. All you have to decide is what to do with the time you have.

Some that live deserve death, some that die deserve life, but can you give it to them?


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« Reply #25 on: May 20, 2004 10:20 am CDT »
Just made sure they actually made their character instead of been given their 100 remorts free, But you wouldn't know anything about that now would you evil?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969 06:00 pm CST by WolfTones »
Lookieme!  I am a no-talent ass clown!


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« Reply #26 on: May 20, 2004 10:21 am CDT »
too true
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969 06:00 pm CST by Trien »
So do all who see such times, but its not up for them to decide. All you have to decide is what to do with the time you have.

Some that live deserve death, some that die deserve life, but can you give it to them?


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« Reply #27 on: May 20, 2004 11:51 pm CDT »
Quote from: "GE"
Is it just me; or would restoring chars make the clear pointless¿

Myself and others can't be on at all times to be the Cops of the server.

I wish more of the higher lvls in the server would step up and be "makeshif" authorites.

Achromatos and I step up all the time and defend the weak.  I think one of us should be promoted to pk or admin tho.  I would nominate Achromatos because I sometimes give in to fancy and do unhonorable things....(he never does)
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969 06:00 pm CST by Sinister »


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« Reply #28 on: May 21, 2004 10:29 am CDT »
First off Abbadon, is NOT an asshole.

Second, I keep seeing "if the olbies had their chars restored blah blah blah...."  It is never going to happen, notice how Particle never responds to any of that crap.. Just get your asses on the server and build a new char.  Thats what I did.   :roll:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969 06:00 pm CST by MrSpock2002 »
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« Reply #29 on: May 21, 2004 11:05 am CDT »
And you're still a noob, so what did that prove?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969 06:00 pm CST by UnderGod »
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