He's my age.
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 165lbs, wide shouldered, but not enough muscle.
Eyes: Green
Hair: Dark Brown
Nicknames: Iceman! (net), Darwin (net), John TayTay (girl's pet name) ,Terrorist2000 (old net)
Hobbies: New interests in metal work. Processor cooling, overclocking, and a budding interest in modding.
Pet Peeves: people who dont use propriety, talking behind other's backs
Relationships: 2 previous, one current, and a 3 way relationship with high end computers.
Processor: Intel, if they can get the cooling better on the nextgen processors...
Video: ATI
Storage: Western Digital for performance / Seagate for silence
Game Studio: Bungie
Game: Tribes: Vengeance, Haloween Harry
Mouse: Logitech MX510 (best mouse ever!)
Removable Media: good 'ol blank cd-r's
Monitor: bigger the better