Author Topic: "I caught my ex's new boyfriend sucking his own dick.&q  (Read 21164 times)

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  • Centurian Lord
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"I caught my ex's new boyfriend sucking his own dick.&q
« on: July 7, 2005 08:36 pm CDT »
A little background:
Megan and I dated for about 4 months. About 6 weeks ago, it became apparent that we weren't really going anywhere as a couple, so we ended it. It was mutual and in no way left any bad blood. She's a cool chick to hang out with so we keep in touch pretty regularly. Her new boyfriend as of about a month ago is a smarmy, cocky, maggot dicked motherforker named Seth. He is a coworker of hers, hated by her friends and despised by just about everyone that meets him. I don't see any redeeming qualities about him (except maybe his flexibility) so I seriously don't know what the hell she is doing with him.

Today I called Megan, who is out of town on business, to ask her if I could stop by her house to get some of my DVDs that she still has. She said it would be no problem, so off I went to her place.

There was another car that I didn't recognize in her driveway, and I assumed it was a friend of hers charged with taking care of her dogs and cats while Megan is away. It didn't even cross my mind that it could have been Seth.

I went inside and didn't see anyone in the first couple of rooms. I figured that whomever it was might be outside playing with Megan's dogs. The house is set up in such a way that from her bedroom it is hard to hear if someone comes down the hallway. This was unfortunate for Seth because her bedroom is where my DVDs were.

When I walked into her bedroom, this is what I was greeted with:

I can only approximate the sheer look of terror and disgust on my face at what I saw-- good ol' malarkeydick Seth was furiously sucking his own dick with a vibrator (one I bought for Megan, mind you) shoved in his ass. On the floor beside him were a couple pair of Megan's panties. I yelled 'WHAT THE fork ARE YOU DOING?!' and Seth just about broke his neck trying to get up and scramble away. He stuttered something incoherent and darted past me out of the room. He was too shocked to even grab his pants and I was too shocked to do much of anything at first.

I picked up his pants, fished Megan's house key out of his pocket and went to the living room where I saw him deperately trying to unlock the door. I threw his pants at him, opened the door and literally kicked him out.

I yelled "Get the fork out of here and don't let me EVER catch you NEAR Megan again!" He replied with a hearty "fork YOU!" as he ran to his car. Mine was parked behind his, so I naturally went to move it. He said "If you tell her I will kick your ass!" I started laughing so hard I could hardly see straight. He said "I'm serious I'll kick your ass!" I told him that he was insane if he thought I WASN'T going to tell EVERYONE I could find, including random people on the street.

By this time he had his pants on and I guess he was feeling brave and cocky because he picked up one of the bricks lining Megan's driveway and threw it at me, missing by a mile. This made me laugh even harder which set him off and he started yelling and cursing even more. He picked up another brick and started to come at me so I reached into my car and grabbed a machete, gave him the Stare Of Death and said "Bring it on, unsavory woman."

He got the message, dropped the brick and got into his car. I moved mine and let him drive away.

The thing that really pissed me off, aside from the blatant invasion of Megan's privacy and the sheer perversion of what he did, was the fact that Megan's 12 year old sister could have walked in at any moment to find him there. She comes over to Megan's after school to play with the dogs, and all of this happened very close to her usual arrival time. I shudder to think what would have happened to the poor kid had she found Seth like that.

Of course I fully expect there to be some major fallout over all this. Seth has been known to make totally absurd and ridiculous threats (including death!) against people he feels wronged him. Of course I'm absolutely petrified. I can't wait to see how Seth tries to weasel his way out of this one with Megan. I tried to call her right after it happened, but she was in a meeting. I don't know if Seth has tried to contact her to make a pre-emptive strike against me or anything.

Hell, if I could suck my own dick I probably would, but come on... Seth went just a tad overboard. And for those curious, he wasn't all that hung, just very flexible.

Follow up

I just talked to Megan. Sorry, but no mp3 of the call. I can't imagine this going away anytime soon though so there is still a chance I can get one.

Just as I thought, Seth got through to her first. As various posters have pointed out, she had a hard time believing what I had to tell her. I'll try to be as accurate as I can with the transcript of what was said. The actual exchange might be a little off, but the gist of what was said is here. Megan won't be back home until this weekend, so I don't know what else might happen with her between now and then.

Megan: I just got a call from Seth saying you were harassing him and threatened to kick his ass.
Me: Yes. Did you not get my message? I told you I had something serious to tell you about him.
Megan: Well whatever it is I don't like the fact that my ex-boyfriend is threatening the guy I'm currently seeing.
Me: Megan... I caught the guy IN YOUR BEDROOM sucking HIS OWN DICK with YOUR vibrator in his ass, with YOUR panties on the floor next to him!
<Total Silence for about 20 seconds>
Megan: What?
Me: I'm serious.
Megan: That isn't funny at all, Scott. What did you do to him? Quit forking around.
Me: Megan I'm serious. I went to your place to get my DVDs and I walked in on him in your bedroom. He was upside down sucking his own dick, and had your vibrator in his ass. I'm not kidding.
Megan: WHAT?! How the hell did he get inside? He doesn't have a key!
Me: I guess he knew about the one you hide under that rock next to the porch.
Megan: Yeah I guess he might have seen me use it before... but I still don't believe this. Why are you making this up?
Me: I'm not lying. Believe me... the last thing in the world I wanted to see was that dipstick sucking his own dick. I feel like I need to gouge out my eyes and wash my brain with clorox. Why on earth would I make this up?
<She said a couple a things I can't exactly remember>
Megan: I just can't believe anyone would do something like that.
Me: Well, it happened. You're missing one important thing about this, Megan.... Julie <her sister> was due home any minute.
Megan <voice starting to shake>: Are you kidding me? ARE YOU SERIOUS? WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN?! JULIE WAS THERE?
Me: No no no... Julie WASN'T there, but it was almost time for her to come over.
Megan: You better not be lying to me, Scott.
Me: I'm not. I wish it was all a joke. What exactly did Seth tell you?
Megan: He said you waited for him after work last night and threatened him with a machete. He said you told him to stay away from me or you would hurt him.
Me: Well, the machete part is true, as is the threat. But that was ONLY after I found him at your place and after he threw a brick at me. You know me better than that. You know I wouldn't just go off and threaten someone. You know I'd have to be in a position where a physical confrontation would be the only option before I'd hurt anyone.
Megan <crying>: I can't believe he'd do something like that.
Me: But you can believe I'D threaten him for no reason?! I'm not the jealous type, you know this.
Megan: I'm going to call Seth.
Me: Well, whatever he tells you is probably a lie. Ask your friends whom they would believe.
Megan: I need to go.
Me: Call me later when you want to talk some more.

To clear up a few things:

I don't give a malarkey if he sucks his own dick or not. I'm not a homophobe (as someone mentioned) and I don't really care what a person does in their own home. However... this was not his home and he had no business being there. Megan is NOT the type of girl that would get off on something like that, either. She didn't give him a key, so he had to have gotten in without her permission. clearly he was not supposed to be there. Remember that he used HER vibrator in HIS ass... there's no telling what kind of danger that is to Megan. I threw the vibrator away instead of cleaning it, as I doubt Megan would want to use it anymore. On top of everything else, HER 12 YEAR OLD SISTER could have walked in to see the asshole doing this malarkey.

As for the machete... like I said before I teach and study a couple of martial arts (serak, kali) that focus on bladed weapons. I always carry a couple of knives with me, and as I mentioned my instructor and I train with machetes. We don't go full speed or anything, but training with a live blade gives you a healthy respect for one. I can see how some people might be put off by such an idea as having a machete on hand, but with me it is a normal thing. I don't go around brandishing them at random people; recall that this jackass had already thrown a brick at me and had picked up another one and started to move toward me. The sheer ludicrous nature of the whole exchange was enough to make me decide it might escalate into something serious.

I thought about calling the cops, but decided against it for a few reasons. Firstly, I would probably have to explain the whole machete situation to them. Secondly, without Megan present to testify as to who had a key/who was given permission to be there, it would be my word against his. Lastly, I wanted to make sure that the fool was not there when Megan's little sister arrived. She doesn't need to be involved in any of this malarkey.

2nd Update

Seth has drawn first blood!

I went out with a friend of mine to get some drinks and talk about the craziness that happened. We drove by the bar that Seth works at in the evenings, but I didn't see his car.

When I got home I found some kind of animal malarkey smeared on the windshield of my car, some scratches most likely from a key, and these lovely well thought out and very intimidating threats:

I like that one because of the irony.

And the piece de resistance --

Seth has struck the fear of God in me. What ever shall I do? Help me Internet!

I've decided to let him dig his hole a bit deeper before I do anything. Once Megan sees the notes, she'll at least know for sure that he's harrassing me. He crossed the line with keying my car. We all know that you do not fork with a man's ride.

I did talk to Megan while I was out (before I found the notes). Megan called her little sister and asked if she noticed anything odd at Megan's house, but Julie said no. I'm glad she didn't find any lube or something that Seth might have left behind. She called Seth after our first conversation and of course he vehemently denied everything I told her. She said that he told her that I've been stalking him for the past month, and that he has eyewitnesses to prove it. He also said that I did something to his car a week ago. I asked her why he is just now bringing this up, and if it seems odd to her that it is all coming to light after I found him slurping on his wang. Her reply was something to the effect of "This is all so crazy, I don't know who or what to believe." I don't want to get her any more worked up than she already is, so I've decided not to try to convince her of anything right now. Truth and justice are on my side! She'll see his insanity soon enough. If he keeps going at the rate he is, the hole he is digging for himself will reach China by this weekend.

I've thought about purposely putting myself in his path to see what he does face to face, but I really don't want it to turn any more violent than it already has and I know he sure as fork doesn't want that.

Seth 1 , pahuyuth 0

As stupid as the motherforker is, he has won this round.

I talked to Megan again. She wasn't very happy to be speaking with me because apparently Seth got one of his cronies to corroborate his stalking accusation. I've never met this friend of Seth's but Megan seems to think he's a stand up guy, even though he hangs out with a self fellating jackass liar. She said that it is looking more and more like I'm making all of this malarkey up to undermine her relationship with him. I told her that it would be much more effective to just go beat his ass (if I was that type) or to make up something slightly more believable if I wanted to do that. Her reply was "That's what you want me to think. You're betting that I'll believe this because it is so over the top." I couldn't even respond to that. She then said "Which is more likely, Scott? That Seth was sucking his dick in my home or that you're just a jealous ex determined to break us up? Don't contact me again until I have time to think things through some more. Don't bother Seth, either." Then she hung up on me.

I'm at a disadvantage here because I have no witnesses or proof other than the notes he left and the damage to my car, which I can't really prove was done by Seth. Unfortunately, the dildo is gone. I put it in the outside trash bin so that Megan's little sister wouldn't find it in the house, but the trash was collected today. I should have listened to everyone's advice and retrieved it when I had the chance.

I never thought I would be wishing I could pull a lubed and malarkey smeared dildo out of the trash.

I think it is time to go Seth hunting.

eth has forked himself (pun intended) big time!

I got a call from Megan... it was short and sweet:

Megan: "Where did I keep my vibrator?"
Me: "Uhh.. what?"
Megan: "Just tell me... where did I keep it?"
Me: "In the 3rd drawer of your chest in the bedroom."
Megan: "Ok, Thanks."

A little while later she called back and had the following good news to tell me:
Megan: "I tricked Seth into telling me where my vibrator was. The only problem is that he said it was in the spot that I moved it to last weekend before I left town. Neither of you guys knew about that. I put it there so Julie wouldn't stumble across it."
Me: "Wait... so you're saying that the only way he knew its location was because he found it in this secret spot?"
Megan: "Yes. He knew that I had one and I guess he thought that where he told me it was, was where he thought I normally kept it. The only way he could have known it was in my closet was if he found it there since I've been gone. So at the very least he's been snooping around my house."
Me: "So do you believe me now?"
Megan: "I'm still having a hard time believing he sucked his own cock, but yes I believe you that he was in my home."
Me: "Thank god. What are you going to do?"
Megan: "Once I get home I'm filing a complaint with the police. Are you going to kick his ass?"
Me: "No no. I'm not going to do that. Believe me, I sure as hell want to but I can't."
Megan: "I'm sorry I doubted you at all. Did he REALLY suck his own dick? Seriously?"
Me: "Yes."
Megan: "Jesus christ he is a forking pervert!"
Me: "Yep. How did Seth take it when you caught him?"
Megan: "Actually... I let him off the hook for now. I didn't let on that I caught him. I played it cool and I'll continue to until I file the complaint and see what else happens. You haven't told anyone about all this have you?"
Me <sarcastically>: "Naww... only the whole entire internet."
(She seemed to accept my statement as sarcasm)

Yay Megan!

I'm a little unclear on the specifics of how she got him to tell her the location of the vibrator, but I'm not going to press her for anymore details. The only thing that matters is that she caught Seth in a trap and now believes me.

This should be the end of it all unless Seth flips out once he gets the bad news. Surely he isn't THAT stupid to fork with me or Megan with a complaint filed against him... but it IS seth we're dealing with here.


Megan talks to Seth! Seth freaks out! Pahuyuth in danger! Cops! Photos!

I had a nice chat with Megan this evening. Before I get into the nitty gritty details of what is going on with Seth, I'd like to pass along something Megan said that had me dying:

"It's no wonder he has to suck his own cock- he's upset I never blew him. Have you SEEN it? It looks like a cuttlefish or something."

After laughing for a couple of minutes I said that yes, I had in fact SEEN it, but I didn't really take note of what it looked like. I'm desperately trying to get the whole image out of my head.

Megan talked to him again today and mentioned the damage to my car and that I was going to report it to the police (which in fact I have already done... more on this later). Apparently Seth flipped out and started yelling at her for believing me (she still hasn't let him off the hook) about the damage he did to my ride. She played it cool and calmed him down a bit, but he still made threats against me. The threats were pretty non-specific; "I'm gonna get him", "I'm gonna kick his ass" etc etc. She begged him to stop and let it go, but he is the type that has to play the tough guy and is bent on proving his manhood to her by confronting me. This guy is really starting to go off his rocker. It's all good though... I've been threatened by people far more intimidating and insane than Seth and nothing ever happened.

Megan is due back in town late Saturday night and we are getting together for a drink to talk about all this in person. She's pretty much convinced now that I'm not the freak here. She's talked to her friends and they basically affirmed that yes, Seth is complete tool and it is highly unlikely that I've fabricated all this. They are (rightfully) skeptical about the whole self-sucking deal, but they are willing to believe that before they'll believe anything crazy about me. First thing Saturday morning we are going to change the locks on Megan's house to make sure he can't get in. She called her Mom and asked her to keep Julie from going over until she gets back.

I called the police and an officer came out to talk to me. I showed her the damage to the car and the notes that were left. She asked: "Do you know anyone that might want to harrass you or harm you?"
Me <chuckling>: "Oh yeah. Most definitely."
Cop: "What's the situation?"
Me: "I caught my ex-girlfriend's new guy over at her place... she was out of town... and told her about it. He is upset and I'm pretty sure he did this."
Cop: "What were you doing over there if she is your ex?"
Me: "I had her permission to get some DVDs I left at her place. We're still good friends."
Cop: "So you had a confrontation with him while you were there?"
Me: "Yep, you could say that."
Cop: "What happened?"
Me <trying desperately to keep a straight face>: "I caught him in her pleasuring himself."
Cop <looking puzzled>: "Pleasuring himself?"
Me: "Specifically, he was sucking his own penis."
Cop <mouth drops open>: "You are kidding me."
Me: "Nope. I malarkey you not."
Cop: "Come on. You're kidding."
Me: "No ma'am, I'm not."
<Cop started laughing>
Cop: "Holeeee malarkey!"
Me: "I chased him off and we exchanged words."

*I didn't say anything about the machete or brick.*

Cop: "Did you tell your ex about this?"
Me: "Yes, and that is when all the trouble began."
Cop: "Where was she when all of this was going on?"
Me: "She's out of town until this weekend."
Cop: "Is there any physical evidence that he was inside?"
Me: "Well, sort of. I'll let her handle that part though. I don't have any authority when it comes to her property. I'm sure she'll be contacting you guys when she gets back."
Cop: "So what else can you tell me about this guy?"

I gave the cop his name and a description. She asked if I still had the notes that were left on my car, so I gave them to her. She took my name, phone number, address etc and said I could get a copy of the report in a day or two.

Now for some pictures. I borrowed my mom's laptop and hooked my webcam up to it so I could take it outside. I tried to get good pics of the damage to my car, but my webcam won't cut it. They are too pixellated to see much and the color quality sucks. I'm going to try again when I have better light to work with, too. I'll post them when I get a good quality shot.

In the meantime, here are couple pics of my machetes and me! And no, I'm NEVER going to post a picture of Megan so don't ask. I don't have any pictures of Seth laying around either (why would I). However, if I do manage to get one somehow, I will most certainly share it with you.

Edit: The thing on the right in the above pic is an ASP (telescoping baton).

Recorded threats! Photos!

Today has been relatively uneventful, so far. I talked with Megan briefly and she said she hasn't spoken with Seth since yesterday.
I asked her if she would send me a photograph of Seth. She was a bit suspicious why I needed one since I'm well aware of what he looks like. I think she suspects I'm going to post it on the net somewhere or email to people. I can understand that because she doesn't want to draw any more attention to the situation. I'll try again later when things settle down a bit more.

I DO however have a recorded message that was left on my voicemail. It isn't Seth; the person claims to be his brother. Oh no! The Cocksucker Clan is mobilizing against me!

Ladies and Gentlemen, we are now at DEFCON 2!

Sorry for the malarkeyty quality. I had to hold the cellphone up to my mic, and when the phone gets close to my computer I get horrible feedback.

He says: "You better leave my brother alone. Look dude I know who you are. Leave him and Megan alone."

And for those that have been waiting... pictures of the damage to my car. It isn't as bad as it could have been I guess, but still... you do NOT fork with a man's ride!

Of course I'll keep updating as long as the drama continues.

I am approaching critical mass.

Seth and a friend of his came by my house last night at about 3:30 am. My dad's dog (he lives next door to me) started barking and woke me up. She never barks unless she's aware of something near the house. There are all kinds of animals in the woods behind us, so at first I thought it was probably a deer or something. Then I heard a car door shut.

I grabbed one of the swords (yes I have swords as well as machetes) that I keep next to my bed and looked out the window. There was a car I didn't recognize parked on the street in front of the next apartment. There is a new tenant there, so I thought that maybe it was them.

Then I saw a figure dart past MY car. It looked like he was kneeling on the passenger side. I flipped on the porch light and the motherforker stood up, FROZE like a deer in headlights, looked straight at my window, and then started running up the street.

I just about ripped my door off its hinges trying to get out fast enough. I drew my sword and took off after him. I had lost precious seconds unlocking the 3 locks on my door and getting it open so he had a good head start.

The passenger door flew open.
The dude was hardly halfway in the car as they began to roll out.
I yelled "I'LL BREAK YOUR NECK YOU GODDAMN MOTHERforkER!" while waving my sword in the air. fury:

I noticed that whomever it was messing around my car (It wasn't Seth... this guy was built differently) was kind of limping or running oddly when I was chasing him.

I found this when I checked my car for any damage (there was none):

The asshole lost a shoe while running from me.

I called the cops, filed ANOTHER report, and filled them in on the story so far. The car didn't have a license plate, but I gave a good description of it.

The malarkeystain messing around my car had some balls. He wasn't deterred when my dad's dog started barking. Personally I would have aborted the mission at that point if I were him. I'm sure his balls crawled up inside of him when I came out with my sword though. I was gonna cut those forkers off if I caught him.

The officer I spoke with said that the incident report will not be available until Tuesday because of the Easter weekend. I will get both reports and post them as soon as I'm able... probably Wednesday.


I don't think Seth will be causing any more trouble.

Megan came home yesterday evening so we met for drinks to discuss everything. She said she had not talked to Seth for a couple of days. I filled her in on all the details of my last incident with him, the police reports, etc. We agreed to try to get restraining orders filed by Wednesday at the very latest. I seriously thought that maybe the last encounter with my sword put an end to his bullmalarkey. Sadly, I was wrong.

We left the bar at around 11:00 pm and I walked her to her car. Lo and behold, there were Seth and his brother sitting on her hood. He definitely looked surprised to see me. I don't think he was planning on having to deal with me then. I heard him say 'Oh malarkey' under his breath and then his brother said 'It'll be ok dude I'm here'.

And of course Seth had to go ahead and start running his mouth. "I TOLD YOU TO LEAVE HER ALONE."
Me: "Listen Seth. I seriously think you need to give this some thought. I've filed two reports with the police and Megan and I are getting restraining orders. Get off her car, walk away, and don't bother us again. Be smart. Leave. Last warning."
Megan: "Yeah leave us the fork alone you PERVERT! Go suck your brother's cock!"

Apparently Seth didn't like hearing Megan telling him to beat it, because he hopped down off of the car and started to move toward Megan, who was a little to my right and behind me. That was most definitely the wrong thing to do.

I stepped in front of him, grabbed his trachea with the first two fingers and thumb of my left hand, and shoved him back against the car. With my right hand I grabbed his nuts and started to squeeze (yeah yeah... insert gay joke here). His eyes almost popped out of his skull.

He grabbed my left hand with his left, and threw a sissy ass hook to my head with his right. I saw it coming so I turned my head into it, lowered my forehead, and his punch impacted right on my crown. Didn't hurt me a bit but if it didn't break one of his knuckles I'd be very surprised. This only pissed me off more so I head butted him in his face. I hit just below his right eye on the cheekbone. I'm sure it smarted quite a bit; I hit HARD.

"Let him go you motherforker let him go right now or I'll fork you up!" yelled his brother. I swiveled the both us around a little to put Seth between his brother and I. Very calmly, and still looking directly into Seth's eyes I replied "You're not man enough to talk to me like that. I'll get to you in a minute."

It was then that I felt Seth piss in his pants.

I squeezed his balls harder and gave them a little twist. He started crying. I said "Take a subtle forking hint. Don't EVER come near Megan or me again. EVER."
I pushed him away and told his brother "That goes for you too" as I took a step toward him. He grabbed Seth by the shirt and started running away. It was a good thing too as I was just about to launch a thai round kick to his inner right thigh.

Megan and I got in the car and took off. As we were leaving we saw them sitting down on the sidewalk... Seth was holding his crotch and his brother was examining the damage done to Seth's face. Megan honked and gave a little wave but I don't know if they saw her. That had me laughing like crazy.

She stayed at my place just to be safe. She's going to talk to her boss about things to make sure that Seth will not be able to bother her at work. That's the only thing I don't feel very good about now... the fact that she has to see him there every day.

Hopefully this will be the end of it all. I'll still post the police reports when I get them.

Howdy everyone-- just got back into town after a funeral. I thought for sure I would return to the charred remains of my apartment courtesy of Seth, but glady I was wrong.

Speaking of Seth, he lost his job on Tuesday. In fact, he was escorted out of the building after being asked to leave for good. It seems that when Megan went to the HR dept to tell them about his harrassment and to have her desk moved far away from Seth's, he caused quite a scene. I'm not sure exactly what was said, but Megan tells me it was something to the effect of 'SHE'S A LOUSY WHORE ANYWAY AND THIS COMPANY SUCKS'. I'd say that about put the nail in his career coffin with that employer.

I should have time tomorrow to get the police reports scanned for those that are still interested.
HOPEFULLY this is the last I'll hear of Seth.

Well, here they are-- POLICE REPORTS!

I've blacked out just about anything that could be used to identify myself or Megan. This includes names, addresses/street names, case numbers, and the names of police officers. There are too many local SA members that have been chomping at the bit to get involved for me to reveal any more than I already have. I didn't include the 2nd pages of the reports, the Persons Form, because they contain the same information as is on the first page (victim/offender info).

And for those that have asked, no Megan and I have not and probably will not get back together. Recall that I was the one that wanted to see other people, and this hasn't changed that feeling. We will keep in touch and of course I'll be looking out for her.

Megan hasn't heard from Seth and neither have I, so hopefully he's gone for good. If anything ever happens though, I'll just bump the thread with an update.

I found this on tribalwar, funny read. Some pictures dont work anymore!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969 06:00 pm CST by Razore »

xRazorex: Yo
BlAcKIcE398: wtf u got me killed newb
BlAcKIcE398: block
BlAcKIcE398 signed off at 3:49:05 PM.


  • Elvin Legion
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« Reply #1 on: July 7, 2005 09:02 pm CDT »
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969 06:00 pm CST by GStricto »

Quote from: "Artorius"
Gnight.... Gstricto is obviously picking on you because he is a dirty racist.
So ironic that a heart made by man, when broken is easily fixed.   But a human hurt can last a lifetime.


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« Reply #2 on: July 7, 2005 09:35 pm CDT »
Seth is going to kill this dude for ruining his life, and there will be a lame t.v movie based on the not so real story.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969 06:00 pm CST by Artorius »

"Death solves all problems - no man, no problem."

- Joseph Stalin


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« Reply #3 on: July 7, 2005 09:56 pm CDT »
Kenshin = Seth
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969 06:00 pm CST by Hollywood »


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« Reply #4 on: July 7, 2005 10:02 pm CDT »
No for two reasons, i'm hung, and i'm not quite that flexible. *working on it though*


Good one though........ Mithrandir.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969 06:00 pm CST by Artorius »

"Death solves all problems - no man, no problem."

- Joseph Stalin


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« Reply #5 on: July 7, 2005 10:21 pm CDT »
If you had two of your vertebrea removed you could do it.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969 06:00 pm CST by Kyrie »


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« Reply #6 on: July 7, 2005 10:22 pm CDT »
What man would go for the balls of another man??  That's even worse than beating a defenseless woman.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969 06:00 pm CST by Gnight »


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« Reply #7 on: July 7, 2005 10:28 pm CDT »
^ Especially since he is supposed to be a badass martial artist.

The real question is.. why would he continue to squeeze them after the dude pissed himself? Yikes.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969 06:00 pm CST by Artorius »

"Death solves all problems - no man, no problem."

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« Reply #8 on: July 8, 2005 01:33 am CDT »
Quote from: "Kyrie"
If you had two of your vertebrea removed you could do it.

you do mean if you had 2 more vertebrae correct?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969 06:00 pm CST by Vorter_X_ »


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« Reply #9 on: July 8, 2005 01:45 am CDT »
Nay, as I heard it, two less. It would shorten the distance between your head and your..other head.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969 06:00 pm CST by Kyrie »


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« Reply #10 on: July 8, 2005 02:43 am CDT »
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969 06:00 pm CST by Frantic »


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« Reply #11 on: July 8, 2005 02:48 am CDT »
Why ya gotta put him down?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969 06:00 pm CST by KoRo »


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« Reply #12 on: July 8, 2005 04:21 am CDT »
Because this is a forum on the internet and people flame one another at just about any opportunity they can.  Where have you been?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969 06:00 pm CST by Dirk »


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« Reply #13 on: July 8, 2005 10:37 am CDT »
Quote from: "Frantic"

Rofl. I never knew someone was a TW forum geek.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969 06:00 pm CST by Razore »

xRazorex: Yo
BlAcKIcE398: wtf u got me killed newb
BlAcKIcE398: block
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« Reply #14 on: July 8, 2005 02:45 pm CDT »
There's no reason to flame people. It's really just a waste of time, and it's very mean!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969 06:00 pm CST by KoRo »